Dream Big

The original tag line for Lane 8 was:

Dream Big.  Get There.  Stay There.

Take your time but hurry up.  The clock is ticking.

And remember to go a little easy on yourself.  But not for long though. Coaches push others to their limits. We must learn to do this with ourselves.  What do you think?

If you don’t, who will?  If not today, or this week, when?

We will fail.  It’s inevitable.  However, I believe failure is simply a test to see if we were serious or not.

Are you?

Hurts Like Hell

Blah, blah, blah….hurts like hell. Still.  My foot hurts.  A lot.

If you’re new to Lane 8, welcome.  Earlier this year, there were quite a few Lane 8 blog posts discussing my foot pain and whether or not I could travel to Finland for the Master’s Track & Field World Championships.

And yesterday, after writing the post, “43rd”, it caused me to do several things:

  • Be amazingly thankful
  • Become more confident
  • To feel like a victor, rather than a victim
  • Pray for others to overcome their own struggles

The last one in particular is the one that seems most important.

When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

Fall down seven times, get up eight.

If you’re goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough.

Carpe diem.  It’s completely up to you. You are the CEO of YOU, Inc.

Yep, it’s gonna hurt like hell to reach your big dreams.  Nothing worthwhile is ever easy. Once you realize that hard work is the way, the way gets easier.  It doesn’t become easy, simply easier.

11 Tips for a Great Workout

11 Tips for a Great Workout:

  1. Establish a long-term goal before you start
  2. Preview your workout – visualize it
  3. Warmup
  4. Keep it intense, and, fun
  5. Stay focused
  6. Sweat when you need to – cardio, strength & core
  7. Write/log your workouts
  8. Vary your workouts – hard, medium, easy
  9. Cool down
  10. Stretch
  11. Partners are ok, if they show up

Hey, I’m not an Olympian, but I am in great shape for a 50 year old.

Bottom line, we all have to find what works for us.

If you’re just getting started, GO SLOW.  Nothing is worse than trying to do too much too soon.  Seriously.

If you don’t have patience, you’ll probably fail.  There is no short cut, despite what the media tells you.

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

Worry about your health

What’s the most common thing healthy-looking people hear from others?

“You don’t need to worry about your health. You’re in great shape.”


Denial, eh?

It’s denial on the part of the people saying this – the “unhealthy” people.

Please don’t get me wrong. I’m not trying to be hurtful. I’m just calling it the way I see it.

I’ve struggled with my health – weight, cholestrol, addiction, muscle atrophy, triglycerides, Body Mass Index, cardiovascular system, energy level, etc – all my life. Seriously.

And during my five decades, there have been varying degrees of focus and “success”.

I have found many “secrets” to health and I wish to share them with you.

The sad truth is that only three percent reading this will actually figure out a way to stay connected to the insights and practical tips – and the hope and purpose this blog will offer them.

Are you one of those people?

Hey, I get to go for a run. Or, I could go eat some donuts…..