Who’s got time to exercise?
Apparently, less than 10% of the Baby Boomer population.
What do the less than 10% know and do that the other 90% don’t?
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Disney Employee Engagement Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five different sites.
Who’s got time to exercise?
Apparently, less than 10% of the Baby Boomer population.
What do the less than 10% know and do that the other 90% don’t?
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(photo: Not being fit is like a prison cell, and the rooms never look this comfortable.)
What would a Baby Boomer (or anyone really) give to be incredibly fit?
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Better than expected time… the party just keeps getting better…
How to live the Baby Boomer dream life. Live like you mean it. Have fun! Stay healthy!
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If laughter is the best medicine, where does exercise, adequate rest and moderate eating fall? You know what jeff noel thinks is funny? How ignorant smart people look when they neglect their health. Funny in a sad way. And funny in a strange way – the way we laugh when a teen is texting and stumbles into a shopping mall water fountain and tries to sue the mall.
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Fellow Baby Boomers and Gen X-ers, please listen up. Who do you go to for authentic health and wellness advice you can trust? Is it a person who expertly understands work/life balance and you can actually see them demonstrate this expertise every single day, for years on end? You know, someone who practices it first and then preaches it?
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