Been To jungle jeff Lately?

Today would be a decent day to venture over to jungle jeff’s blog.


Because today’s message at jungle jeff is very relevant to what Lane 8 is all about.

Setting goals, achieving goals and sustaining those goals.  Modifying or changing our lifestyles to a more desirable, healthier state.

Motivation is the key.  But many people have false notions about motivation, inspiration and even excitement.

Master’s Advocate

Getting motivated is one thing.  Achieving a big goal is another.  But staying active for the rest of your life, now there’s an impossible goal.

Motivation is like a meal, several hours later, we are in need of more. Here’s one of my favorite “restaurants”.

Only you can make the choice. No one else. It’s very challenging to stay motivated. Find a million ways or people might look at you as a warning instead of an example.

Track Town USA

Here’s another short, quirky You Tube video from jeff noel at University of Oregon and Track Town USA.

If you are not a Track fan, that’s ok. This blog isn’t about Track anyway, it’s about excellence, our physical well-being and our approach to what we do with it.

But you already knew that, right?

Lane 8 You Tube video virus

It’s amazing how difficult it is to stay focused over the long haul.

We’ve all seen people get motivated, set, and then achieve big health goals.  And then some time later, they fail.  They regress, almost predictably.

There’s a missing link. Staying there.

That’s where I come in. You will see, from my own struggle in real time, the simple secrets to long-term success. It amazes me how viral the right thing can become.

But you’re gonna have to want to follow. I can’t make you.  It’s completely up to you.  Always has been. Always will be.  Dream big. Get there.  STAY THERE!

Bonus: Another Lane 8 You Tube video found and placed in cyberspace – Australian Masters Athletics website.

Lane 8 Needs Motivation

Lane 8 Needs Motivation. Daily.  Period.

Ya with me?  DAILY.

Was reminded of that yesterday after giving a speech, a man asked me privately, “How do you motivate people”?

Without any hesitation, because it’s a common question, “If you want to motivate others, you need to be motivated yourself”.

It’s the first and only rule of motivation. Enthusiasm is the most contagious thing in the world.  The second most contagious thing in the world is the opposite.

The lack of enthusiasm.  Admit it or not, everyone takes their cue from you.

When you look in the mirror, are you a mountain or a molehill?