Master’s Advocate

Getting motivated is one thing.  Achieving a big goal is another.  But staying active for the rest of your life, now there’s an impossible goal.

Motivation is like a meal, several hours later, we are in need of more. Here’s one of my favorite “restaurants”.

Only you can make the choice. No one else. It’s very challenging to stay motivated. Find a million ways or people might look at you as a warning instead of an example.

Reality Check

Reality check.  Being on the road all week has taken a toll on my wellness efforts.

Lack of sleep, lack of exercise and lack of proper nutrition adds up quickly for my body.  At 50, routine is more important than ever.

An object in motion, tends to stay in motion.  An object at rest, tends to stay at rest.

Which one are you?  Which one am I?

Our health and overall well-being are completely dependent on us to figure this out and make it work in our busy schedules.

No excuses are acceptable.

Gotta go.  Time for a much needed run.

Track Town USA

Here’s another short, quirky You Tube video from jeff noel at University of Oregon and Track Town USA.

If you are not a Track fan, that’s ok. This blog isn’t about Track anyway, it’s about excellence, our physical well-being and our approach to what we do with it.

But you already knew that, right?

BFO, eh?

Had a Quiznos sandwich yesterday in Salt Lake International Airport.   The Sun Chips bag had a BFO on the back:

Big changes can come from small steps.


Big Changes from Small Steps
Big Changes from Small Steps

It’s amazing, to me anyway, that this sort of logic is repeated over and over and over in our media.

While I’m far from perfect, and certainly not the brightest bulb in the pack, I do know that common sense, when it becomes common practice, can yield amazing results.

Make it a GREAT day!  It’s up to you.  Always has been.  Always will be.

BFO, eh?  Blinding flash of the obvious!