The Obvious is Invisible

Lane 8
Lane 8

Because we see it every time we visit Lane 8, we don’t see it any more.

The tag line.


The tag line beneath the title, Lane 8, at the very top (header) of this page”

“If your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough.”

As soon as I start taking the most important things for granted, I lose. Are ya with me?

You Can Observe A Lot

“You can observe a lot by watching.” – Yogi Berra

What did you learn from watching Germany’s Guido Mueller, age 70, break that world record?

I learned age is a state of mind.  And the longer you wait to believe this, the harder it must be to do something about it.

I also learned it’s better late than never – otherwise, my wife and I wouldn’t be parents.

What are you waiting for?  For the people around you, will you be an example, or a warning?  Carpe diem.

Still In Pain?

Injuries and pain can make exercising a challenge.  No brainer, right?

Well, I’ve been dealing with injuries for five years now.  Guess you could say, “It’s the cost of doing business”.

I hate to complain, because complaining is fairly unproductive. There is one instance that I’ve discovered where complaining actually is effective.

If it causes you to do something positive about it.  This is a tough one. Misery loves company. Another no brainer, right?

So, saying that to ask you this, “How many times have you exercised this past week”? Carpe diem!

Wrong Is Easier

Doing it wrong is easier than doing it right.  You can screw it up by doing it wrong.

And doing it wrong, is as easy as doing nothing.

Ya with me?  Let me say that again.  Doing it wrong is as easy as doing nothing.

Doing nothing is easy.  Maybe that’s why so many do nothing.  Doing it right, is hard work.

The people who do work hard are also tempted to do nothing.  Most don’t believe this, but it’s true.

Take me for example.  Last night I made plans to run five miles this morning.  Instead, I’ve made a few rationalizations so I can do nothing instead.  Actually, I’m very busy this morning.  But not physically.

And so it goes….

Lane 8 You Tube video virus

It’s amazing how difficult it is to stay focused over the long haul.

We’ve all seen people get motivated, set, and then achieve big health goals.  And then some time later, they fail.  They regress, almost predictably.

There’s a missing link. Staying there.

That’s where I come in. You will see, from my own struggle in real time, the simple secrets to long-term success. It amazes me how viral the right thing can become.

But you’re gonna have to want to follow. I can’t make you.  It’s completely up to you.  Always has been. Always will be.  Dream big. Get there.  STAY THERE!

Bonus: Another Lane 8 You Tube video found and placed in cyberspace – Australian Masters Athletics website.