Gaining Weight

Gaining weight is easy for me.  Almost as easy as breathing.  This is a scary proposition.


Because of the ease of putting on pounds, I have to work extra hard to counteract this natural tendency.  Most humans do.

Once, two friends who were talking about their current diets, looked at me and said, “You’re lucky, you don’t need to worry about your weight”.

In reply, “I worry about my weight every single day, that’s why I don’t have to worry about it”.  Ya with me?  Stay focused.  Fight a good battle today.

Wrong Is Easier

Doing it wrong is easier than doing it right.  You can screw it up by doing it wrong.

And doing it wrong, is as easy as doing nothing.

Ya with me?  Let me say that again.  Doing it wrong is as easy as doing nothing.

Doing nothing is easy.  Maybe that’s why so many do nothing.  Doing it right, is hard work.

The people who do work hard are also tempted to do nothing.  Most don’t believe this, but it’s true.

Take me for example.  Last night I made plans to run five miles this morning.  Instead, I’ve made a few rationalizations so I can do nothing instead.  Actually, I’m very busy this morning.  But not physically.

And so it goes….

Our Body Is A Gift

Yet we ignore this priceless gift.

Well, we ignore it until we start to here from it.  Aches and pains. Wake up calls.

We can be fairly certain that these will afflict us all.  The question is, it seems, “Can we slow down, minimize, or stop altogether, these physical challenges”?

At 50, even though I’ve seen a lot, there is much that hasn’t been seen.  What I do know, is that trying is better than worrying.  At least if we get ailments, and wake up calls, we can live with the Peace that we did our best.

It’s Completely Up To You

What you do today is completely up to you.  Always has been.  Always will be.

Yes, everyone has obligations that must be attended to.  Yes, there are things that come up unexpectedly – and sometimes these events are tragic.

Yes, it’s difficult.  Yes, it’s overwhelming.  Yes, it’s confusing, frustrating, painful and on and on.

Thank you for listening.  You may have thought this was written for you.  Well, sort of.  Mostly though, I write to myself.  So, please don’t take offense to the tone.

If we can’t talk honestly and openly with ourselves, we probably can’t with anyone else either.  And even more than Halloween, that scares the heck out of me.