Small Deeds

“Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned”. — Peter Marshall

Whatever your health goals are, nothing really matters except that you get started and never quit.

Sow your health seeds.  Nourish them.  Water them.  Watch them grow.

If all you do is walk away from your residence for three minutes and then return, you’ve walked six minutes. That six minutes, by itself, is nothing really.

But what if you did it four or five days in one week?  What if each week, you added 30 seconds each way – or one minute roundtrip?  In four short weeks, you’d be walking ten minutes per day.

What if you built on this success, slowly, and continued this habit for ten more weeks (now three months total)?  You’d be walking 20 minutes per day, four or five days per week.

What if you walked 20 minutes, 4-5 days per week, for a year?

What if?  What if doesn’t matter if you don’t get started.  “Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned”.

Age and Quitting Do This to You

“Age wrinkles the body.  Quitting wrinkles the soul”. — Douglas MacArthur

It’s very difficult, some would even say impossible, to be fit and vibrantly healthy after the days of our youth.

So the big question everyone must ask themselves, “Do I think it’s impossible”?

Got bad news for everyone.  Every day we don’t ask, answer and act, is another day that younger folks are looking at us and saying one of two things:

  1. “What a great example”.
  2. “I hope I don’t turn out like so-and-so”.

It’s Easier When…

It’s easier to exercise and eat sensibly during:

  • Youth – the full pressure of job, Family, mortgages is unknown
  • Mating season – (once we’ve mated, what’s the motivation?)
  • Wake up calls – motivating because of glaring consequences

The reality?  In the big scheme of life, youth lasts say 20 years, then fades quickly.

Humans are born to mate, like all living creatures.  Wake up calls may take a lifetime before they start arriving.

It’s all the other times in our lives that are the real challenge, the real key. Look around people.

Like I suggested a while back, “If aliens found Earth and gave us a pass/fail health grade, what would we get”?

Lane 8 You Tube video virus

It’s amazing how difficult it is to stay focused over the long haul.

We’ve all seen people get motivated, set, and then achieve big health goals.  And then some time later, they fail.  They regress, almost predictably.

There’s a missing link. Staying there.

That’s where I come in. You will see, from my own struggle in real time, the simple secrets to long-term success. It amazes me how viral the right thing can become.

But you’re gonna have to want to follow. I can’t make you.  It’s completely up to you.  Always has been. Always will be.  Dream big. Get there.  STAY THERE!

Bonus: Another Lane 8 You Tube video found and placed in cyberspace – Australian Masters Athletics website.

No Expectations?

On the drive to Victory Martial Arts “Safety Demonstration” (recruiting) yesterday, I reminded our son there was no expectation that he enroll and take lessons.

All the children participated, even the first timers.  Our son eagerly lined up.  Surprisingly, two of his friends are members there and graciously welcomed him into the atmosphere.

Off to a great start and then somewhere in the middle it got more intense and he felt uncomfortable with his skill level, and returned to the audience with me.

I could not have been more proud.  He tried something.  He did his best.  I didn’t push him, even though I could have.  He’s nine.  How hard do you push yourself?  He’ll get were he needs to go.  Will you?