Lane 8 Mistake

Okay, so it’s about 4PM on Friday afternoon.  Spent the day working through some serious, and hopefully short-term, sickness.

So of course, this puts Lane 8 behind schedule.  No worries though. Lane 8 is just getting to today’s post and realized that yesterday’s Lane 8 post was about New Year’s Resolutions.

However, had to smile (which felt really good) because the Lane 8 blog post was intended for

“Should I move yesterday’s Lane 8 blog post, or maybe delete it?”

“Nope, leave it like it is.” Why?

Because it’s who I am.  I am close to God – through hard work. Many of you can relate. For anyone else, please don’t take offense.  Never intend to sound “preachy”.

Anyway, let’s learn from this.  Physical well being is only one piece of what makes us human.

If you don’t feel healthy and vibrant, guess who moved?

If you’re planning on getting in shape for your New Year’s resolution, now is the time to start thinking about what you are going to do differently – differently than past wellness thoughts and wellness attempts.

Now is the time, not later.  Now. Ya with me?

Man, It Felt Good

Sure felt good to go for a short run and work out at Gold’s Gym yesterday.

Why?  Because it’s been nearly a week.  Why?  Because I’ve been traveling and working hard.

Got home (from Anchorage, Alaska) about 1AM Thursday morning, got a few hours sleep and taught all day Thursday. Then taught all day yesterday (Friday).

But I refused to let another day go by without exercising.  Sure, I had to get up at 4AM to run and the run wasn’t even half of my usual distance, due to time constraints.  And yes, I was very tired on a Friday afternoon (from travel and a six-day work week).  Did I feel like changing clothes and driving to Gold’s Gym?  Nope.

So what motivated me to go the extra mile?

Simply this.  I’ll be darned if I’m going to give up a decade’s work of life changing health habits because my schedule continues to be challenging.  Here’s a no-brainer: our efforts to get healthy do not matter if we don’t fight hard to win the battle to STAY healthy. Ya with me?

Lane 8 Is Gaining Weight

Lane 8 is gaining weight.  Why?  You really wanna know?

For the same reasons everyone (mostly) gains weight.

This is why I think it’s so important to focus on our health goals everyday. In a matter of a few days or a couple weeks, I can gain enough weight to notice a change.

We are taught to embrace change, where I’m from.  And change is really the only constant.  The more things change, the more they stay the same.

But I have to tell ya, I hate gaining weight.  If it were easy to not gain weight, we’d all have one less thing to worry about now wouldn’t we? Let’s be healthy, and strong, today. Ya with me?

The Art of Health

The art of health is not something I’ve ever heard people refer to, much less talk about with any depth or consistency.  Why?

Great question.  Why do you think?

I’d like to invite you readers, and I know you’re out there, to get involved with Lane 8 and feel comfortable leaving comments.  No expectations that you leave comments, but hope that you will.

Been blogging daily at Lane 8 for seven months or so and can’t say with certainty that I’ve made it crystal clear that comments are more than welcome.  In fact, in the grand scheme, comments will help shape a sense of Healthy Community, as we all deal with our health and wellness challenges.

PS. One of the risks of blogging, if you aren’t aware, is how vulnerable and exposed the blogger becomes. Maybe there’s an art to healthy blogging.  Maybe not. 🙂