Are you planning to exercise today?
If you are, great.
If you’re not, why the heck not?
Just do it.
Disney Employee Engagement Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five different sites.
Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.
Are you planning to exercise today?
If you are, great.
If you’re not, why the heck not?
Just do it.
Lane 8 is about taking care of our physical gifts, namely our physical health. I am reminded daily just how challenging it is.
As responsible adults, if we don’t make conscious choices, and fight the hard battle to get and stay healthy, what are we left with?
The opposite.
The opposite stinks. Not making hard choices leads down a path that scares me.
Halloween is just around the corner. That’s about as scared as I care to get.
…Nantucket. Wait, that’s not where we want to go today. Met a businessman, 62, on a flight yesterday. He was reading “Bicycling” magazine. He looked great and had an incredibly healthy “glow”.
So naturally, because it’s a quirk I have, the question jumped out, “Are you a cyclist”?
“Yes”!, he affirmed. And he went on to explain that he was returning from cycling America’s second toughest century (100 miles) ride.
Obsessed with truth and meaning, quite naturally, additional questions jumped out, including, “What motivates you”? He explained how in his stressful job (and who among us doesn’t have a ton of stress?), the way he keeps things stable, is to exercise.
We all know this don’t we? Deep down inside, we all know that exercise is a key to living well. Yet, quite naturally, I can’t for the life of me, figure out why so few people do anything about it.
Lane 8 is on the move. No, not to a Master’s Track and Field Meet. Good guess though.
Traveling to give a speech. That’s what I do. I’m a professional speaker.
Actually, I’ll speak anywhere to anyone, as long as it’s something I’m passionate about. Church, Parenting, Children’s Religious Education, Boy Scouts, Home Owner’s Association, Master’s Track and Field, Wellness, Fitness, Health, Mid Life Celebration, Impossible Goals, Blogging, Social Media, Social Networking, Addiction, Behavior Modification, Gardening.
So anyway, until social media policies are better defined, it is incumbent on employees to do their best with the interpretation of general guidelines. There are so many employees who where out ahead of corporate social media policies. So now, these companies have to play “catch up” to reign in what was never defined.
This will take some time, and companies are being decently patient, by allowing their employees to make the changes that the new guidelines call out. Facebook, LinkedIn, My Space, Blogs, Websites, You Tube, Flickr, Posting Comments, Chat Rooms, personal email – the list is endless.
It’s smart business if you ask me. And just like anything else, including our health, the sooner we start, generally speaking, the sooner we see results.
Gaining weight or losing weight. These two topics seem to occupy our human obsessions more than just about anything.
Why? Because it’s so challenging, with all the media, to feel comfortable with our bodies.
Maybe the media is right. Maybe we are deficient in some way. Want to know how I can tell if I need to gain weight or lose weight?
I simply ask myself, “How do you feel today”?
This past week I gained four pounds. I can just feel it. It feels different. Not different in a good way. Different in a challenging way. At least there’s one thing to be really thankful for this past week.
I was listening to my body. Were you?