Lane 8 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania?

Yes, jeff noel from Lane 8 here in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

How important is a competitive advantage?

It’s everything! Right?

When I travel, I attempt to use the travel day as a rest from training.

Even though the newness, and the break in scenery, would make running here, and other places, very enjoyable and motivating, I have to remember that traveling leaves me vulnerable to conditions outside my control.

Air travel, flight delays, client schedules and commitments, traffic, weather, etc.

Wisdom comes from experience and experience comes from making mistakes.

If your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough. Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

Lane 8 & The Stanley Cup Finals?

What do Lane 8 and the Stanley Cup Finals have in common?

I never thought about it until I woke up this morning.

I’m in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at the University of Pittsburgh Alumni Hall.

You know of my goal to be a world-class Master’s Track athlete at 400 meters, in the 50-54 age group, right?

So I wonder if the Pittsburgh Penguins and the Detroit Red Wings think like I do?  Or I like them?

I bet we do.

Remember yesterday’s video post?  The theme?  “Out work ’em”!

Putting in the extra effort, in a comprehensive manner, is what elevates one’s performance.  Whether it’s running, hockey, or public speaking.

Carpe diem, jeff noel, aka jungle jeff 🙂

Today’s Rating at Lane 8?

Today’s rating is in the 90’s.  It’s been a while since I used a percentile rating. 

Remember?  I was getting tired of the pain. 

The pain seems like it’s subsiding.

The new running orthotics, celebrex and Voltaren gel seem to be allowing we to step up the intensity ever so gently, while not stepping up the pain.

The strength and core workouts at Gold’s Gym Orlando are paying off too.

I was there two days ago.  Check out these You Tube Videos:



Tiger Woods’ advice isn’t rocket science, is it?  It’s profoundly simple and simply profound.

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

Hurricane season and Lane 8

Lane 8 and hurricane season have a common thread.  A David versus Goliath type of thread.

A big, formidable foe, and a lowly and weak opponent.

Humans versus a category four hurricane.  Who loses?  Humans.

David versus Goliath.  Looking at the two, most would bet on the giant – the obvious, overwhelmingly physically superior human.

Ya still with me?

With proper preparation, a foe’s strengths can be mitigated.

We can’t stop hurricanes, but we can wisely prepare for them.

We also can’t stop the aging process, but with dedicated and consistent focus, we can age wisely.  Certainly, at the very least, we can make it better than if we do nothing.

We also might surprise ourselves at the house we can build, if we plan ahead, and work hard.

That’s why I think going to Finland in August is such a David versus Goliath feat.

Win or lose, I’ll leave nothing on the track.

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

PS.  If you do happen to click on the Finland in August link, scroll to the 400 meters.  There I am, next to last.

Slow Lane Sunday?

Slow Lane Sunday?

OK, so yesterday morning, as I’m jogging out of our neighborhood, a dear friend and long-time neighbor was walking her two dogs.

This neighbor attended our Son’s first Holy Communion on April 25.  She had dinner with us that night, along with my In-Laws from Allentown, Pennsylvania.

The day before I had just broken the news to my Mother-In-Law that I’d be going to Finland for the Master’s Track & Field World Championships.   She was surprised, of course, and also skeptical.

While celebrating our Son’s major accomplishment, we spoke of many things during that dinner.

Eventually, Finland came up.  I saw it as an opportunity to share a vision of why I am going.  My Son completely gets it.  My wife is right there too.  My In-Laws and my neighbor, not even close.

I had to tell you that so I can tell you this:

Yesterday my neighbor asked, “How’s your training coming?  Are you still going to Finland?”

Here’s the point.  Without even hesitating I replied, “Yes, even if I have to walk around the track!”

That had a haunting revelation, to hear myself say those words.

This is bigger than anything I can explain.  At a gut level, I’m so invested in it, that seeing it through, no matter what the obstacles, is the only course of action

This scares the heck out of me.  Talk about pressure and second-guessing yourself.

Than why?

It’s a platform, a metaphor, a challenge, a childhood dream reborn, a legacy, an impossible goal.

It’s all that.

My son will remember this long after I’m gone.  I hope he will find strength and determination, in my strength and determination.

On Friday a colleague and I were talking about exercise and I asked if he was still running.  He said no.  He explained that it’s too difficult for him to get motivated. 

I suggested his reason to exercise wasn’t compelling enough.  Maybe if he was doing it to show his kids that getting old doesn’t mean you have to get overweight and out of shape.

PS.  Make it a GREAT day. 

PSS.  I booked the flight to Helsinki last night.  🙂