Lane 8 What You Should Know

Can’t explain how my brain works, all I can tell you is that it is constantly turning, churning and burning.  So, this morning, like every morning after the initial routine is done, the process of writing five daily blogs begins.

Lane 8 is third in the order in which I write the five daily blogs. Stay with me, there’s a point to this.

Arriving at the WordPress Blog admin page, I create “a blank sheet of paper“.  Then I pause, think about what to write and get started.  Usually, something from the day before, or something from today’s agenda, is where the inspiration comes from.

Today is a bit more unusual. Click here to see what inspired today’s post.  Make it a GREAT day. It’s completely up to you, isn’t it?

What’s Impossible?

“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small people who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s not an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary… Impossible is nothing.” Adidas

“If your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough”.   – jeff noel

Good luck today with your health goals.  Set ’em high.  Carpe diem.

Lane 8 WMA World Championships

Click here to go to the WMA Masters Athletics Track & Field 2010 Indoor World Championships in Kaamloops, British Columbia.

Most likely, I’ll be the only one clicking on the link.  Why?  Because there are not too many people smart enough over 40 years old (any age really), who focus on their wellness as much as I’m motivated to do.

Why?  Well, um, well, I really don’t know.  Probably has something to do with an unresolved emotional issue or a predisposition to over-achieve.  Everyone has unique quirks.  Staying healthy is one of mine.

Lane 8 Is Happy

Lane 8 is happy the left heel pain was minimal yesterday.  It’s sort of funny how easy it can be to find joy and happiness.  We get so busy in our daily activities that we can rob ourselves of the simplest of joys.

Every morning I check out the window as dawn gives way to sunrise. The sunrise is always beautiful, even when it is “ordinary”.

Two days ago there was a Facebook post on my wall, asking for prayers for a teenage friend who committed suicide.  This is a horrific tragedy.  One none of us can comprehend.

The basic act of thinking of a Family (one you never met) and the grief that is overwhelming everyone they know, can be a humble joy. Believing that your thoughts and feelings for them may in some way comfort them.

Part of what makes Lane 8 blog posts about health and wellness so much fun to write about is that every once in awhile, if I feel like it, there is editorial license to blog about something else.  This also makes Lane 8 happy.

Can Barely Walk

Last night I could barely walk.  Foot pain.  Left heel.  Why?  Not sure.

Some of you know I represented the United States at the 2009 Masters Track & Field World Championships in Lahti, Finland.  The first week of August seems like so long ago, when in fact, it wasn’t.  Since then, I’ve completely tapered off on training. Completely.

So why the pain?

What is amazing to me, and something I tried to hide in the Lane 8 blog posts before traveling to Finland, is that I was actually able to compete at all.

“Then why put yourself through all this”?, is a common question.  Roger Bannister, the first human to break the four-minute mile barrier, said it best:

“I sometimes think that running has given me a glimpse of the greatest freedom a man can ever know, because it results in the simultaneous liberation of both the mind and body…..  The runner does not know how or why he runs.  He only knows that he must run…..  We run, not because it is doing us good, but because we enjoy it and cannot help ourselves”. — Roger Bannister 1956