The Mirror Is The Enemy

Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall
Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall

As we heard yesterday, humans need a million reasons (fuel) to stay motivated with their health and wellness goals. It would be great if the motivation we so desperately need could also be found at our workplace.

However, even if our companies offer health and wellness programs, odds are, in reality, few will take action.

Does your organization have wellness programs and initiatives?

Do they:

  1. Inspire you?
  2. Motivate you?
  3. Reward you?
  4. Make a difference for you?

How well do they work?

Been thinking about a reader’s question, “How to keep employees healthy in an unhealthy environment?”

The bottom line reason people aren’t motivated is because they haven’t found a personal, compelling reason.

And, the personal, compelling reason is different for each of us.  Common themes to be sure, but different personal reasons.

Try some of these on for size:

Be the change.

Action not words.

Do it for someone else.

Lead by example.

Are you an example or a warning?

Fear of regret is greater than fear of failure.

Take personal responsibility.

The greatest fear is the fear of living.

Live, before you die.

Your people are not using the tools you provide because no one wants to work hard. Every company struggles with this. Programs do not address root issues – motivation, barriers, fear.

The reason no one wants to work hard is because they are not motivated enough. They are looking in the wrong places for motivation.

They should not look in the mirror. They should look in their heart, which a mirror does not recognize.

These are the “sound bite” summary ideas around a reader’s question. Thought it would benefit everyone.

But it probably will only benefit a few, the ones who know that the mirror is the enemy.

Find A Million Ways

Difficulty Lasts A Lifetime
Difficulty Lasts A Lifetime

Who is going to motivate you to reach your goals?

We really have to give serious attention to this question.

It’s what’s known as a non-negotiable question.

You must have an answer or you will fail.


Why must we have an answer?

Because things will get difficult.

And difficulty will happen repeatedly.

Over and over again.  Until we die.

The antidote?

Find a million ways.

Ready To Build Your Fire?

Lots of Fuel, Arranged Just Right
Lots of Fuel, Arranged Just Right

Most people have had so little experience in the wilderness, that making a campfire is foreign to them. And making a campfire is more involved than it seems.

As a Boy Scout and then again in Outward Bound, we were taught to prepare the wood as if we only had only one match left. If you didn’t prepare properly, and the one match you had went out…

Just throw it in the microwave. Or, order delivery. Or maybe, stop by on the way home for take-out.

Well, it’s like that for our health too.

It may not seem so, but most really don’t have much experience being successful in building healthy habits.

Hey, I’m not making this up.  Look around.  There’s your validation.

It’s epidemic. And we have the opportunity to resolve to be part of the minority – the healthy minority.

And if we can get enough of the minority to change, we can start a movement to become the healthy majority.

Who doesn’t want that for their children, their nieces and nephews?

Lane 8 Happy New Year

Motivation Is Like A Fire
Motivation Is Like A Fire

Wow, another year come and gone.

It can be so challenging to get healthy, so challenging to stay healthy.

I often wonder if I’ll ever end up a hypocrite, a phony.

Living in Central Florida now for 26 years, it’s this time of year when we actually use our fireplace. And being on vacation the past ten days, we’ve been having a fire nightly. Sometimes we even start the fire in the morning.

And this thought just entered my mind while typing this blog post:

Motivation is like a fire. You must continue adding fuel to it to keep it burning.

Otherwise, it will go out.  A “no brainer” as they say.

Christmas Eve Lane 8

This Is Your Year
This Is Your Year

A Lane 8 Christmas wish to all of you.

May Santa bring you one or all of the following:

  • Lower Cholesterol
  • Lower Blood Pressure
  • Higher HDL
  • Great Triglyceride Levels
  • Lower Resting Heart Rate
  • Lower BMI
  • Appropriate Weight Gain or Loss
  • Better Eating Habits
  • Proper Equipment for Your Activity
  • Motivation
  • Inspiration
  • Focus
  • Discipline
  • Impossible Goals
  • Fun, Friendship, Fellowship
  • Another Day to Smile

Long lists are good sometimes.  Hoping you get it all this year.  You deserve it.

And, oh yeah, one more thing from Santa, hope he brings you an indomitable will.