Watermelon 5k?

Good Saturday evening.  Started the day very early and was downtown before 7AM to run the annual Track Shack Watermelon 5k.

It was my first competitive 5k in my new age group.  I’ll share more details tomorrow.  Gotta go for now.

Stay healthy, be happy. 

Happy Independence Day!  Carpe Holiday!  jeff noel  🙂

29 Days to Helsinki

Quick updates:  Great workout this morning.  Among other things, ran a half-mile in 2:30, without competition.  And, I’m a sprinter, eh.

If this sounds slow to you, you should try and do it.   Then you’ll really have an appreciation for what it represents.  And you know I’m 50, right?

Did the math and it’s only 29 days until I fly to Helsinki to represent the USA at World’s at 400 meters.

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

Happy Independence Day

Happy Independence Day.

Click on GoDaddy Video to view this video tribute to the Men and Women who’ve served our Country in the past, as well as those who do so now.

If you are a Lane 8 follower and serve our country, or know someone who does, my family and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

God Bless America!

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

Do you have courage?

Courage is something I believe we are all born with.  It’s a survival instinct embedded deep in our human brains.  Humans are hard-wired to have courage.

Courage is developed, and tested, by using it.  This is part of our survival instinct as well.

On the other hand, I’m not convinced we are hard-wired to have physical strength. We might be.  We might not be.

Yet, physical strength can be developed, same as courage.

Still, most people don’t exercise, because it’s hard.

Same with courage.  Way too many risks.  Way too hard.

Today, however, I am exercising my right to not exercise.  It’s called rest.  What’s different for me is that I’m forcing myself to rest, while others, it’s simply a daily habit.  Too much rest makes us unhealthy.

You buying that?  I am.

We don’t stop doing things because we get old.  We get old because we stop doing things.

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

Heart Health at Lane 8?

Heart Health at Lane 8?

Couple updates as I type from my family physician’s waiting room.   I’ve been a patient here for 25 years, since we first moved to Central Florida.

My visit is over, and I wanted to post before I got too busy.

Had an excellent five-mile run this morning.  At the end, I planned a one-mile time-trial.  Clocked 5:24. Not bad.  No pain.

My family physician tells me there are risks, of course, for a second cortisone shot. Heck, there are risks for virtually everything.  Driving to work. The wrong person eating too many peanuts can die.

My podiatrist makes another cortisone shot sound like a no brainer.  My physical therapist makes it sound like the plague.

On top of all this, I crank out a great practice mile time without pain. And yesterday, I felt the pain was getting worse.

I told my wife I feel like I’m on a roller coaster.

So, I’ll pray for wisdom and guidance.  Not only for me, but for everyone.

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂