Hayward Field – Bucket List

Hayward Field is more fantastic than it looks on film or TV.

Maybe a year or so ago it seemed like a place to visit, based on the things that touch a runner’s soul.

Well yesterday, put a big old check mark next to Hayward Field.

While there, had a great conversation with Mr. Ron.  He’s in charge of Hayward Field and has been there 28 years.  What are the odds of meeting him?  Mac Wilkins was his javelin coach.  Small world.

Ran 5,000 meters in honor of Steve Prefontaine’s signature race.

Why We Get Old

“We don’t stop doing things because we get old.  We get old because we stop doing things”. — unknown

There is good reason for staying active.  It’s so we don’t get “old”.

Our mind has an instrument that measures our belief system.  It’s pass or fail – it’s the quote above.

It’s up to you and I to make our choice.  Always has been.  Always will be.  Carpe diem!  🙂

Motivational Secret @ Lane 8

Want the secret to staying motivated?

We already know most people can find reason to get motivated.

The real secret is staying motivated.  Did you hear that?  Did it sink in?  STAYING motivated!

You must, repeat must, find a reason bigger than yourself to do what’s common sense.

Exercise, nutrition, and rest are key health strategies.  They are common sense.  They are not common practice.

Why?  Because there is always an easier choice to make.  And, you already know what it is.  You don’t need anyone to remind you.

Run, jeff, Run

Hope everyone knows the goal at Lane 8 isn’t to get people running. You know that, right?

The goal is to challenge, motivate, inspire and excite you to do something physical, and do something healthy like proper nutrition, adequate rest, regular checkups.

It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you are doing something active. Hey, it’s obvious that you don’t have to do anything -that’s a great choice isn’t it, do nothing.

Lane 8 is really about having a place to go to get better.  It’s written by me, for me (and my Family).  Daily motivation and focus is mandatory, or I’ll fail.

I know this about myself.  Writing for you everyday probably helps me more than it helps you.

While it’s not expected that you completely understand this, it is humbling to know that it does or will help you.

Nine Questions

Did you go for a walk (or exercise) yesterday?

Did you eat sensibly?

Did you read anything that inspired or motivated you?

Did you think about anything that inspired or motivated you?

Did you take some sort of action, different from your usual?

Did you get adequate rest (way under-rated) yesterday?

Did you consider how you’ll stay committed until you die?

Did you have fun yesterday?

Did you do at least one thing that scared you?

Nine yes answers means you lived in the moment.  Less than that is, well, less than that.

I only got eight.  Adequate rest has been elusive.  Which reminds me, nap time.