Physical Concert

The band Journey drum set on stage
Lost track of time. Journey debuted 50 years ago.
13-seconds: Close your eyes and it could be Steve Perry singing.
Pre-concert, was most excited to hear them perform this song.

We’ll get to Def Leppard, but first Journey.

They were good.

A few fan favorites that i know.

Never been a Journey fanatic.

All this means is there are a bunch of bands i like better. Much better.

Led Zeppelin.

Black Sabbath.

Lynyrd Skynyrd.

The Who.

ZZ Top.


Bad Company.






Bryan Adams.


Steely Dan.


Steve Miller.



Alright, somebody stop me.

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Small Town, USA

Blog post admin screen shot
This is a screen shot to explain what you might see when this publishes April 14, 2024. Chances are you’re seeing the video below saying “video unavailable”. However, as i write this Sept 5, 2023, clicking on the link “watch on You Tube works. Try that.

i was born and raised one mile outside a small town.


Orlando is our mailing address, but we are less than one mile from Walt Disney World.

We live just a little closer than i lived from Spring Grove, Pennsylvania.

Think about what that can mean to identifying your home town roots.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Exercise music

cinderella castle
Somewhere near 50 years ago, two Rock & Roll albums were a Christmas gift from a same-age cousin.

Over the decades, music has been non-negotiable while exercising.

Paradoxically, music has also been non-existent while exercising.

Ebbing and flowing as circumstances and technology dictate.

Currently, with Air Pod Pros and always carrying an iPhone, music is consistently the first choice.

Sometimes it’s phone calls, sometimes podcasts, and sometimes, just the wind.

Note: This thread is going somewhere.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

When I Run, I Feel God’s Pleasure

“When I run, I feel God’s pleasure”.Eric Liddell

That’s It!   Perfect!  Thank you, Craig Nickoloff, for sending me your critical email message yesterday.

The week-long Writer’s Retreat I’ve been attending on Sanibel Island concluded yesterday.   I have been working very, very hard.  Committed.  Intense.  Focused.

I took a well-earned nap, woke up, checked my blackberry, and here’s the message I read.  It was almost like a dream – a real, heaven sent type of dream.

With permission, here it is in it’s entirety:

“I’m still trying to figure out a way to not be so nervous that I make myself sick before the first race.”
Yeah, Buddy, you can do it!
If you’re visualizing yourself running & doing well, your body won’t have time to realize why it should be nervous.
What’s your drive to run this race?  Run the race for him.
Forget Lane 8.  Run it. You’re running in your lane, to advance.  You’re winning this heat. The other runners are pushing you. You no longer care about time. Qualify with this heat.
As Eric Little said, “When I run, I feel God’s pleasure.”
You feel God’s pleasure.
You feel your son’s admiration & love.  Cheryl’s proud of you, to no end.
You don’t have time to think about nerves.
That’s what will drive you.
You’re already an inspiration. That’s not on your shoulders anymore.
You’re here.
This race.
This race for the next one.
You’re running it.
And you feel that pleasure…
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Gonna read this again and again.

You know, it’s really weird, but I too can say, “When I run, I feel God’s pleasure”.  Seriously.

Way seriously.  Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂