Did You Get Enough Rest?

Did you get enough rest last night?

Rest is way under-rated.  Have been struggling with this one for about two months. This is unusual, because I focus very hard on rest.  It’s one of our critical success factors in staying in top form – mentally, physically, spiritually, and even financially.

First the trip to Finland, followed by two solid months of very busy travel schedules.  And with the World Championships under my belt, there was no looming big, motivating goal.

Bottom line, we all have to figure this out.  If we don’t, we are doomed. It’s a vicious cycle.  Always has been, always will be.  But you already knew that, right?

Did You Exercise Yesterday?

Did you?  Great if you did.  If you had a planned rest day, also great.

But if you didn’t do either in a purposeful way, you get another chance today.

Here are a couple tips, the most critical things, I’ve found to keep a positive momentum:

  • Have a goal, or purpose, bigger than yourself
  • Find the time of day that works best
  • Add it to your calendar (no afterthoughts)
  • Find an easy way to keep track of your progress
  • Forgive yourself if you miss a day, but don’t make it a habit
  • Have fun, stay healthy (injuries demotivate)
  • Carpe diem

Pain Update

Pain update.  Short and sweet.

Yes, the pain is still nagging me, slowing things down, tempting me to become very discouraged.

Tempting me, and I shudder to think about it, to quit.


Yes.  Quit.

This has been going on for years.  YEARS!

Being 50 years old and achieving and sustaining a world class fitness level is not easy.

Why work so hard, so long, so quietly?  You know there are many, many people who know me well and have no idea I went to Finland for the 2009 WMA Master’s Track and Field World Championships?  So yes, quietly.

So why then, all this work?

Remember my big goal?  To see our son graduate from High School in ten years.  No man on my Dad’s side has made it past 60.

What’s your “excuse”?

2009 World Championships

Lane 8 @ 2009 World Championships
Lane 8 @ 2009 World Championships

Lane 8 at 2009 World Championships in Lahti, Finland.

That’s “Jack”, my son’s Teddy Bear. He has three exactly alike. He got them as gifts years ago.  The collar is actually inscribed “Jack”.

Our son was born in August 2000.  My Dad, Jack Noel, passed on, April 2001.

My Father, and our son, never met.  We were two months away from our trip to Pennsylvania when the phone call came, “They’re giving your dad three days”.

So, “Jack” the bear, has traveled extensively. He’s the one with two torn ears.  The other “Jacks” are in near perfect condition.  Our son was gracious enough to let the “tug-o-war with our yellow Lab” Jack travel.

Find a million ways, gimmicks, tricks – whatever it takes – to stay motivated.  Jack is simply one of them.

What’s Impossible?

What is impossible?  Almost everything, right?  Our goals, our ambitions, World Peace, eliminating poverty.

What is possible?  Ordinary, average, common, within reach, comfortable.

If people only focus on what’s impossible, they won’t focus on what is possible.

Did you catch that?

If people only focus on what’s possible, they won’t focus on what is impossible.

It’s a catch-22 isn’t it?