Runners Blog Or Health Blog?

Tell Him Exercise Is Too Difficult
Tell Him Exercise Is Too Difficult

How often do you struggle with things that ought to be pretty simple?

And when it comes to your health, what and how do you stay motivated?

Lane 8 is a health blog.

The catch is, I’m a runner.

Running is how I stay active. But running is really just the tip of the iceberg.

Running goals, ultimately, are simply a carrot.

Welcome to Lane 8

Returning readers, please scroll down past this permanent “welcome post” to read today’s current Lane 8 post.

Lane 8 Is A Metaphor For Life
Lane 8 Is A Metaphor For Life

If this is your first visit, welcome to Lane 8.  The goal here is simple.  To inspire you to take care or your body – a daily health blog, wellness blog and fitness blog.

(Please scroll down to read today’s post)