They Smiled, Laughed, Then Said, You Don’t Need To Worry About Dieting

Is that Debbie and Lenn down there?

Nope, not Debbie and Lenn…

Picture Debbie and Lenn in the break room discussing their diet success. So I say, “How come you never ask me about my diet?” They smiled, laughed, then said, “You don’t need to worry about dieting!”


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Listen, Can We Just Talk Openly & Honestly For A Minute Here?

St Augustine, Florida Fountain of Youth…

If you think you can, and the media falsely promises this, drink some magic potion to become decently healthy, you are, well, downright ignorant.

Hey, I’m not trying to hurt anyone’s feelings. Tomorrow, a story about how angry I get at avoidable ignorance.

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The Younger jeff noel Was

The younger jeff noel was, the faster he was. Set a 7th grade school record. And again in 8th and 9th grades. Even in High School.

But with age, reality isn’t always a gracious teacher. Come to find out (and completely ignorant to it, or maybe denial) that jeff noel was just a big fish in a very small pond.

The bigger the pond got, the slower he got.

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Lane 8 You Tube video virus

It’s amazing how difficult it is to stay focused over the long haul.

We’ve all seen people get motivated, set, and then achieve big health goals.  And then some time later, they fail.  They regress, almost predictably.

There’s a missing link. Staying there.

That’s where I come in. You will see, from my own struggle in real time, the simple secrets to long-term success. It amazes me how viral the right thing can become.

But you’re gonna have to want to follow. I can’t make you.  It’s completely up to you.  Always has been. Always will be.  Dream big. Get there.  STAY THERE!

Bonus: Another Lane 8 You Tube video found and placed in cyberspace – Australian Masters Athletics website.

Lane 8 Needs Motivation

Lane 8 Needs Motivation. Daily.  Period.

Ya with me?  DAILY.

Was reminded of that yesterday after giving a speech, a man asked me privately, “How do you motivate people”?

Without any hesitation, because it’s a common question, “If you want to motivate others, you need to be motivated yourself”.

It’s the first and only rule of motivation. Enthusiasm is the most contagious thing in the world.  The second most contagious thing in the world is the opposite.

The lack of enthusiasm.  Admit it or not, everyone takes their cue from you.

When you look in the mirror, are you a mountain or a molehill?