There is an emotional labor to the big things in our life

Book back cover design instructions
It took two days and serious thought to write something so brief


There is an emotional labor to the big things in our life. And it makes us physically tired. And we need to figure this out. Otherwise we will quit.

The pressure of a book deadline. The reality of having a teenager. Travel. Potential, looming war in Syria. Aging parents. Tragedy amongst friends.

Walked 50 minutes yesterday instead of running 30 minutes. Just did not feel like running (nor walking really). But I walked anyway. It was a decent compromise and I’ll take it.

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I Ran Into Mike

Some Things Are Not What They Appear
Some Things Are Not What They Appear

How was your day yesterday? Are you happy with your results, your determination, your creativity? We contemplated yesterday that slacking off might actually pay good dividends. Case in point.

Had a great run yesterday and ran into Mike. Mike looked to be in the 40-50 year range. Just by chance, we found ourselves engaged in conversation. “What motivates you to run?”, I asked, always curious.

He’s been running for 30 years. “For fun!”, he said.

Challenging that, I said there’s got to be something else, something deeper. Just doing it for fun, to me, would wear off after say 10 or 20 years. But 30 years, that’s amazing. Do you think you can stay with an exercise you like, for 30 years?

Lane 8 Health & Wellness Blog

Lane 8 In Finland 2009
Lane 8 In Finland 2009

Last night I experimented with a WordPress front page “sticky post”. This allows bloggers to indefinitely keep a certain blog post as the very first post. Like a sticky note.

If it works, regular Lane 8 readers will see the same “Welcome to Lane 8” post indefinitely. This is really for first time readers to give them a quick look at what Lane 8 is about.  All you’ll have to do is simply scroll past it each time you visit, to get the daily Lane 8 post.

Do you experiment?  At work?  At home?  With your diet? With your exercise routine? With your rest? With your motivation?

We all know that experimentation and creativity are the keys to innovation. What grade do you give yourself for practicing what you preach?

Anyone on the honor roll this semester?