Lane 8 Mistake

Okay, so it’s about 4PM on Friday afternoon.  Spent the day working through some serious, and hopefully short-term, sickness.

So of course, this puts Lane 8 behind schedule.  No worries though. Lane 8 is just getting to today’s post and realized that yesterday’s Lane 8 post was about New Year’s Resolutions.

However, had to smile (which felt really good) because the Lane 8 blog post was intended for

“Should I move yesterday’s Lane 8 blog post, or maybe delete it?”

“Nope, leave it like it is.” Why?

Because it’s who I am.  I am close to God – through hard work. Many of you can relate. For anyone else, please don’t take offense.  Never intend to sound “preachy”.

Anyway, let’s learn from this.  Physical well being is only one piece of what makes us human.

If you don’t feel healthy and vibrant, guess who moved?

If you’re planning on getting in shape for your New Year’s resolution, now is the time to start thinking about what you are going to do differently – differently than past wellness thoughts and wellness attempts.

Now is the time, not later.  Now. Ya with me?

Top Ten Wellness Tips

Everyday Health provides email articles, if you subscribe, on a comprehensive list of Health and Wellness topics.  Yesterday was The Top Ten Wellness Tips

May I summarize what they said with ten tips, and be so bold as to say there is really only one tip?


Be the model of great health and wellness. Show the people you love, your Family, that great health isn’t a myth, isn’t something reserved for athletes, or good genes.

And be honest too.  You will have to work very hard at it your entire life.  And if you are the model, how can people say it can’t be done?

Lane 8 What You Should Know

Can’t explain how my brain works, all I can tell you is that it is constantly turning, churning and burning.  So, this morning, like every morning after the initial routine is done, the process of writing five daily blogs begins.

Lane 8 is third in the order in which I write the five daily blogs. Stay with me, there’s a point to this.

Arriving at the WordPress Blog admin page, I create “a blank sheet of paper“.  Then I pause, think about what to write and get started.  Usually, something from the day before, or something from today’s agenda, is where the inspiration comes from.

Today is a bit more unusual. Click here to see what inspired today’s post.  Make it a GREAT day. It’s completely up to you, isn’t it?

Not Sure Where To Start

I don’t even know where to begin, sitting in my car here at Gold’s Gym, this morning.

What do you do?  When you’re really busy and you desperately want to workout, but your schedule and all your other life commitments are clamoring for your attention.  What do you do?

This is one of life’s truth’s – life is hard.

And one more – an object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion.

Anyway, none of you will have the guts courage to comment on the question here.  But I still love ya.

Seriously, without you, Lane 8 doesn’t matter that much, does it?

Actually, it makes all the difference in the world to my Family.  And if they are the only one’s who are helped by Lane 8, that’ll be enough.

PS.  Why the stronger tone this morning?  Because, sitting here in the car, listening to ZRadio, I’m actually trying to kick my own ass butt.

Great physical health doesn’t happen by wishing.  It happens by doing it.  Find a million ways to get and stay motivated, or you’re doomed.  Carpe diem.