The Art Of Pace

Fellow Runner From India
Fellow Runner From India

In running, most sports, and life, pace is a crucial factor.

Real life. There’s a runner I know that recently ran two 5k’s. He preaches pace, trains pace, delivers pace. He says pace is key.

His goal was to run the first two miles at exactly 7:00 each, and then gradually run faster the third mile, aiming for sub-22:00

First 5k mile splits:

  1. 7:00 (perfect)
  2. 7:00 (perfect)
  3. 6:40 (nice)
  4. :40
  5. 21:20 result

His other 5k was the same plan, first two miles at seven-minutes each, final mile gradually faster.

  1. 6:40 (way too fast – the adrenaline of 12,000+ runners)
  2. 6:55 (back on track – almost perfect)
  3. 6:25 (wow)
  4. :35
  5. 20:35 result

Few things more rewarding than practicing what you preach.

Been A Year Since

I Run To Set A Healthy Example
I Run To Set A Healthy Example

Trying to keep from going crazy is a full-time job, with the pressures of today’s economy and all that.

Running helps me maintain perspective and balance.

Leaving here in a few minutes to drive to Windermere, Florida for the ninth annual Run Among the Lakes 5k, which starts at 8:00AM.

It’s a short drive.  Tiger, Shaq, Ken Griffey Jr, and a host of other famous people live there.

My very first 5k ever was this race, back in 2004. Shooting to break the 22:10 from my inaugural 5k.

More later.  Gotta go. Stay healthy, have fun….stay healthy, have fun….stay…..

How Much Fat?

Fish Are Friends, Not Food?
Fish Are Friends, Not Food?

Do you have passion? I mean, passion for your health.  Do you have it?

Most don’t.  How do I know?  Because I’m a wellness expert. As Malcolm Gladwell points out in his best-selling book, The Tipping Point, anyone who invests 10,000 hours in a specific area will become excellent at it.

So, how do you define passion?  How about FANATICAL?  Does that work for you?

Every chance we get to get a glimpse at our health numbers, we should fanatically do it.

Like three days ago at Gold’s Gym. Free body fat percentage testing. Free. Can’t beat that price.  Took less than one minute.

Sixteen percent.  Anything under 19% is considered excellent. Bet you have no clue, and you have no clue because you really, deep down inside, don’t want to know.

How do I know?  Wellness expert.  Remember?

Run Blog Run

Run Blog Run is an interesting blog I found while reading Fast Forward on the plane to Niagara Falls yesterday. By the way, I’m here in Niagara Falls, New York.

Fast Forward is a free magazine as part of a USATF membership.

Was it coincidence that the first article on Run Blog Run featured Jeremy Wariner?   Jeremy has dominated the 400 meters for some time:

  • 3 Olympic Gold Medals
  • 4 World Championship Gold medals
  • 5th Fastest 400m Time Ever

In the 2008 Beijing Olympics, LaShawn Merritt, age 22, defeated Jeremy, and established himself as the Olympic 400m gold medalist.

What does any of this mean?

It just means that everybody has something they love to do.  Jeremy, LaShawn and I love to run 400m.

I also happen to love helping others go for their dreams.  That’s what Lane 8 is all about.

Dream Big.  Get There.  Stay There.  Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂


The day started at 5am and it’s 10:30PM now.   This morning’s five-mile run gets a “96.5% ready”.

Mile two had some minor left heel pain, which had me nervous.  The rest of the way, however, was pain free.  Mile four, I throttled up the pace and felt great.  This made me less nervous.  🙂

Overall?  Feeling 96.5% ready for sprint training to begin.  Tomorrow will be another rest day, due to work schedule and lack of rest tonight.   We had our taxes done tonight which threw my routine off.  No worries.

Can’t wait for tomorrow. Dream big!  jeff noel