How Patient Are You?

Patiently Waiting For The Lid To Be Ajar
Patiently Waiting For The Lid To Be Ajar

We have become a fast-paced society, with the speed (and volume) of change doubling in shorter increments.

One repercussion from this is that we have become “addicted” to quick results. (did you take a moment to notice the captions under each lizard pic?)

We want things, and we want them NOW!

Sure looks good on paper.

What’s a BIG DREAM you have, that you are rushing (or not) to completion?

Is your haste working or backfiring?

Scroll down to read yesterday’s post or click here to move to the next blog.

Then It's Kiss My Rear Goodbye...
Then It's Kiss My Rear Goodbye...

The More You Write, The More

How Did That Tree Start Growing In Another Tree?
How'd A Tree Start Growing In Another Tree?

The more you write, the more you discover.

The more you discover, the more you want to know.

The more you want to know, the more you seek.

The farther you seek, the more you know.

The more that you know, the more you write.

Same for running and health.

Yesterday (Not The Beatles Song)

Take Your Time, But Don't Wait
Take Your Time, But Don't Wait

Yesterday a friend said I was probably the only person who thinks running and sweating is fun. It was their response after reading a conference agenda that started the day with an optional “fun run”, in the Florida heat.

Sitting here writing this second of five blogs before I go for a five-mile run (yes, in the sweaty Florida heat), the fun won’t come soon enough. Partly because this is my “Monday”, meaning the past two days have been active rest days.

How can you become motivated to be focused and disciplined to feel the same way?

Man, wish I had an answer for you. Part of the root cause of my joy is the feeling I get when my clothes fit comfortably. When I can be active and not feel “old”. When I enjoy an ice cream cone without an ounce of guilt, like yesterday.

What Motivates You?

A New Day Is Dawning
A New Day Is Dawning

Motivation is fascinating, don’t you think?  It’s like a fire, isn’t it? We must continue to add fuel to a fire to keep it burning.

It seems that we have a daily (if not hourly) choice to stay focused on what keeps our fire alive.

Are there more than three version of this?

  1. Let the fire go out
  2. Add just enough to keep the fire from going out
  3. Keep the fire raging

Obsessed Or Apathetic?

Do You Have World Class Peace of Mind?
Do You Have World Class Peace of Mind?

Want to take a test to see if your way of thinking about diet and exercise is right for you?

Somewhere in between being obsessed or being apathetic lies the proper balance for your approach to living a healthy lifestyle.

Diet and exercise are like water and air for our physical well being.

Inactive people often despise active people and active people often harshly judge inactive people.

Quiz time.  If you’re health were a small family business, are you profitable or filing for bankruptcy?