Change in plans?

Lane 8 has a change in plans.

Instead of driving out to the National Training Center, in Clermont, for the 2009 Sunshine State Games, I’ve decided to head to a closer track for a speed workout.

Turbulent times call for tough decisions.  Right?

This is a gut feeling that I’m taking the better of two options.

Many times, I simply ask myself a question that I learned decades ago from Zig Zigler.

“Will this action take me closer to, or farther from, my goal”?

I’m following where my enthusiasm leads me.

Meanwhile, may I humbly suggest you follow this link at jungle jeff for more on the power of ENTHUSIASM?

Dream big and carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

When and where was the HS Mile record set?

Alan Webb You Tube video, breaking the USA National High School record for one mile, at Hayward Field at the University of Oregon, May 28, 2001.

Here’s an article with Alan Webb’s story from that day.

By the way, the great Jim Ryan held the previous record for 36 years.   This was a monumental day in High School Track & Field.

The winner of the race was Hicham El Guerrouj, from Morocco, the world record-holder, who ran 3:49.92, the fastest mile ever run in North America.

Amazing things happen all the time.  We often forget that they can also happen to us, and do happen to us, but we don’t recognize them because they are not record-breaking feats.

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

R & R?

Rest and Relaxation?


I am doing what’s called active rest, meaning I am purposefully avoiding exercise today.

However, I’ll be teaching all day on my feet.

Such is the challenge of a mid-life athlete, working full-time, trying to make the world a better place.

No worries though.

I’ve been doing this for over a decade.

Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

What’s your will?

Make it a GREAT day.  jungle jeff 🙂

Lane 8, A Metaphor for Life?

Is Lane 8 a metaphor for life?

It is to me.

It may not be for you.


Here’s the deal. You’re busy. I’m busy. Everybody’s busy.

I get that.

But that fact doesn’t stop me from running and writing.

You know what I think?

I think if you follow this story, it has the power to change your life.



On my LinkedIn profile, where many folks write a typical resume style list of skills, I wrote this:

I give speeches to change the world.

My boss calls me audacious.

I think I’m energetic and funny.

I’m aggressively unfancy.

And on a good day, uncommonly insightful.

I’m also a professional antagonist. .

And I believe, if you’re goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough.

Carpe diem, jeff noel, out in Lane 8.

Disney Creativity & Lane 8?

Can Lane 8 learn anything from Disney’s creative strategies and tactics?

The obvious answer is yes.

By the way, the only reason I’m able to run at such a high level is because, as an experiment, I started applying the Disney principles to running.

Just before I turned 40, I started running to improve my health and am now into my 11th consecutive year – and about seven years ago, I had a crazy idea.   Here’s the short story

I decided to do an experiment.

To prove Disney philosophies can work anywhere, I began applying them to running.  The results have been staggering.

Anyway, here’s another jeff noel midlife You Tube clip – this one on Running and Disney Creativity.

I used to feel free to make excuses for why I was stuck, or why I wanted to quit.  I didn’t do it often.

The road to excellence has no finish line.  I know everyone is fighting a hard battle.  Me too.

But if you think you’ve got challenges, ask Nick Vujicic.

Carpe diem and thank you for visiting.

PS. Peace, jeff noel 🙂