Would have loved running this road two mornings in a row.
Stone Mountain, Georgia. Yesterday.
Greensboro to Atlanta. Atlanta to Orlando.
Yesterday: up at 4:30am to be the first one in the classroom. Teach until lunchtime. Pack up, grab lunch, check in and wait at airport, travel all day….Four days on the road. One day of exercise. I knew this before I left Orlando.
Today: sleep in until 6:30am, write five blogs, run and strength workout at Gold’s Gym. You win some and you lose some, as long as we refuse to quit. We quit and we always lose.
The pillars to great health are not a secret. Obeying them for a lifetime is the real secret.
This morning I weighed in the heaviest I have in a decade and hate that I’ve taken my focus and discipline for granted – a gentle reminder to the permanance of our health and wellness battle.