Fail, lose?
Or fail, win?
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Disney Employee Engagement Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five different sites.
Sure, it’s crazy, but so what? Who cares? You better!
So I made two goals, opposite ends of the spectrum, which is what I recommend for you – whether beginner, intermediate or advanced. Make a small, easily achievable goal. And then, set an impossible goal.
Small – one mailbox a day for a week.
Impossible – dreamt big to get, and more importantly to stay, healthy – for a lifetime.
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What would you say? Does it roll off the tip of your tongue like honeydew vine water?
Or do you hesitate?
“If your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough”.
(you do know that’s the tag line here at Lane 8, right?)
Heck yeah, I have no idea how I’m going to help raise money until a cure is found. It does feel impossible.
Until I remember why I’m here.
Where would you put your natural tendencies?
“I’m a quitter.’
“I never give up!”
Do you understand momentum? Do you really understand how it works?
Once you figure this out, your transformation will move forward, but not before then.
One foot in front of the other. Day after day. There is no other way.
Let’s review.
Keep going.
Scroll down for yesterday’s post or click jeff noel.org
How was your day yesterday? Are you happy with your results, your determination, your creativity? We contemplated yesterday that slacking off might actually pay good dividends. Case in point.
Had a great run yesterday and ran into Mike. Mike looked to be in the 40-50 year range. Just by chance, we found ourselves engaged in conversation. “What motivates you to run?”, I asked, always curious.
He’s been running for 30 years. “For fun!”, he said.
Challenging that, I said there’s got to be something else, something deeper. Just doing it for fun, to me, would wear off after say 10 or 20 years. But 30 years, that’s amazing. Do you think you can stay with an exercise you like, for 30 years?