Life is hard son

Boy on bicycle in Central Florida neighborhood
So many easy options and distractions at our disposal


Life is hard son.

You’ve heard it in your house dozens of times:

Find a million ways to stay motivated.

Life gets even harder when we are not vibrantly healthy.

It’s that simple.

Create a mantra(s) that works for you.

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We can never let tough times push us to quit

Unaccompanied minor on Delta jetway with Delta agent
Our son’s (13) first solo flight… Orlando to Atlanta… to Allentown, PA


Delta jet at orlando International airport
Escorted an unaccompanied minor (13) to the gate and waited in the terminal until take-off


We can never let tough times push us to quit.

Up at 3:30am.

Leave at 4:30am for Orlando airport.

Wait for 6:30am departure.

Drive home briefly on way to Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort and Spa to deliver a keynote speech to 300.

Drive home, lunch, check book status.

Feel positively overwhelmed by the response.

Take a desperately needed 90-minute nap.

Check on book progress again.

But no exercise.



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Great intentions to exercise, but…

Great intentions to go see The Odd Life of Timothy Green this weekend… it came out in theaters yesterday, August 15…

Inspiring Disney Movies

No, there was no run yesterday even though there was time. Morning chores conflicted. Great intentions. Greater need to work. And so it goes. Relentless. Unstoppable. Figure it out or crumble under the pressure.

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Reality Check

Reality check.  Being on the road all week has taken a toll on my wellness efforts.

Lack of sleep, lack of exercise and lack of proper nutrition adds up quickly for my body.  At 50, routine is more important than ever.

An object in motion, tends to stay in motion.  An object at rest, tends to stay at rest.

Which one are you?  Which one am I?

Our health and overall well-being are completely dependent on us to figure this out and make it work in our busy schedules.

No excuses are acceptable.

Gotta go.  Time for a much needed run.