Can I Ask You Another?

Hayward Field, Oregon 2009
Hayward Field, Oregon 2009
World Championships, Finland 2009
World Championships, Finland 2009

What is Lane 8?

Lane 8 is the worst lane in Track & Field.  Fast runners are put in the middle lanes and slower runners are assigned the outer lanes.  The slowest competitor is always assigned Lane 8.

And in the 400 meters, which I compete in, you stay in your lane the entire race.  The way the starting lines are staggered, makes it look like Lane 8 is way out in front, when in fact, it’s the exact same distance as the others.

So many consider lane 8 the worst lane because you cannot see any of the other competitors, until they pass you.

My goal is to be in Lane 8, the worst lane.  And I also don’t care if I come in last.  Seriously.

Our son (9) says, “Dad, you want the worst lane and you don’t care if you come in last?”

(Pause for effect, and read each of the next three sentences with decent pauses in between)

“That’s right, son, Lane 8.  In the finals.  At the World Championships.”

I continued the answer for our son, “You can come in last and still be the eighth best in the entire world.”

I then shared the moral of the story with our son:

“You can go through life and set the bar low, reach it, but then live with the regret of wondering what you could have done if you tried harder.  Or, you can set the bar ridiculously high, fail, and yet live with peace because you know in your heart you did your very best.”

Ya with me?

Suomi Sisu

Three more questions:

  1. Do you have guts?
  2. Do you have determination?
  3. Are you the type that doesn’t give up?

If this is you, then you have sisu (pronounced “C-sue”).  It’s Suomi (Finnish) for guts, determination and not quitting.

While in Lahti, Finland, representing the United States at this year’s WMA Masters Track and Field World Championships, I met a Finnish couple and overheard them say, “She’s got sisu (C-sue)!”

They were talking about one of the women who was competing in the W80-84 1,500 meters.  Can you comprehend that?  Early 80’s, running in the Masters World Championships?

I agree, she had sisu.

Makes me wonder what I’ll have when I get older.

Why All These Questions?

Why do you exercise?

Why don’t you exercise?

Why do you eat such a healthy diet?

Why do you eat such junk food?

How long will you be able to maintain this routine?

When are you going to start?

What motivates you?

What are you afraid of?

Why?  When?  Where? Who?  How?

If you can’t answer these for yourself, then who else do you think is going to answer them?  No one?

No one! (exclamation mark)

One last question.

“Doesn’t this scare the heck out of you?”

Health Focus Areas Top 3

Focus our health on top three areas:

  1. Cardiovascular
  2. Strength
  3. Flexibility

The last one, flexibility, is the one most often overlooked.

Click here to explore why, and to discover simple tips to overcome this.

Sounds simple, but it will be one of the toughest, and longest, journeys of your life.

And one I wouldn’t trade for anything.  We reap what we sow. Make it a great day.  It’s up to each of us.

Daily Wellness Tips

For daily wellness tips from Everyday Health, click here. Once on the Calendar page, if you click on any date, a short, daily wellness tip will pop up for you.

Meanwhile, here are my favorite daily wellness tips:

  1. Think Big Picture – long term
  2. Be flexible with your schedule/routine
  3. Be creative with your schedule/routine
  4. Work through the mental tough spots
  5. Find a million ways to stay motivated

There are others, but these are the critical success factors that work for me. My way is not the only way. And this list is intended to share the common sense building blocks for a wide variety of approaches.

The best way, is the way that works for you.  And, generally speaking, the best way for you is the one that you never abandon.  Good luck and here’s to your health!