Lane 8 You Tube Video

Lane 8 You Tube video.  A quick video demonstrating progress on strengthening my core.

Ya know, until I got tired of pulling hamstrings, and the physical therapist at Florida Hospital – Celebration Health told me, “You have to strengthen your core or you’ll continue to get hurt”, I had no idea what my core was.

All those years, never worked on my core, other than a few sit ups here and there.

This is much tougher than I’m making it look. I remember when I first started doing this particular exercise, I could bearly hold my legs up for one second.

Tiger Woods’ advice to me, “Out work ’em”, is just like yesterday’s post – common sense, but not common practice.

If my goal is to help others be inspired, I better be able to inspire myself, eh?

Remember my hope yesterday, to list the Lane 8 credentials.  Me too.

That Lane 8 post is written and will post tomorrow.  May I challenge you to Dream Big, Get There, Stay There?  Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

By jeff noel

Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.