Yesterday (Not The Beatles Song)

Take Your Time, But Don't Wait
Take Your Time, But Don't Wait

Yesterday a friend said I was probably the only person who thinks running and sweating is fun. It was their response after reading a conference agenda that started the day with an optional “fun run”, in the Florida heat.

Sitting here writing this second of five blogs before I go for a five-mile run (yes, in the sweaty Florida heat), the fun won’t come soon enough. Partly because this is my “Monday”, meaning the past two days have been active rest days.

How can you become motivated to be focused and disciplined to feel the same way?

Man, wish I had an answer for you. Part of the root cause of my joy is the feeling I get when my clothes fit comfortably. When I can be active and not feel “old”. When I enjoy an ice cream cone without an ounce of guilt, like yesterday.

The Second Month

Lane 8 Wasn't Even A Dream Yet
Lane 8 Wasn't Even A Dream Yet

Same thing, kept adding an additional mailbox each week, so after two months, it was a very slow jog for 800 meters.

The third month I began adding an additional 400 meters (quarter mile) to each week. Meaning theĀ third month looked like this:

  1. First week = 1,200 meters
  2. Second week -= 1,600 meters (1 mile)
  3. Third week = 2,000 meters
  4. Fourth week = 2,400 meters (1.5 miles)

It took ten weeks to reach 1,600 meters, a mile. A VERY slow mile.

Who’s got the patience to wait 2.5 months before they can finish one mile?

National Running Day

Slow And Steady Wins Life's Race
Slow And Steady Wins Life's Race

Today is National Running Day. Who knew? As a runner, I had never heard of it. Showed up on Facebook this morning. Many people say things like, “I hate running”, or “I’ve never been a runner”.

Given a choice, it would almost seem like many would also add, “I hate walking”, or “I’ve never liked walking”.

And it doesn’t stop there, it continues with, “I hate vegetables”, or “I’ve never liked vegetables”.


GoDaddy’s Danica Is Avid Runner

Best Domain Name & Website Hosting
Best Domain Name & Website Hosting

Ever stumble across a story that seems so unlikely, but so refreshing that you just have to share it with other like minded folks?

If you’re a runner, and many readers at Lane 8 are runners, physically active, or are striving to be, then you’ll probably enjoy reading how GoDaddy’s celebrity spokeswoman, and race car driver, Danica Patrick makes running a top priority.

Can you even begin to imagine the benefits you’ll reap if you get started and never quit?