Annual physical 2016

Annual physical 2016 was yesterday.

Blood work good? Check.

Next up, annual Urologist checkup and colonoscopy.

It’s been about five years since both.

The December 2010 colonoscopy included a prescription for one every five years.

The Prostate exam should have been annual. Missing approximately five years worth should never happen again.

For all of us: forgive yourself and move forward with better habits.




On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.


This website is about our physical health. To easily and safely leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s spiritual health website, click here.


How reliable are we at taking the pills our doctor prescribes?

Canisius College versus Niagara soccer game at MAAC finals
Collegiate athletics hire, and travel with, an athletic trainer to help people stay healthy


How reliable are we at taking the pills our doctor prescribes? Mostly, we are incredibly successful.

Has anyone’s doctor ever prescribed a sensible diet and regular exercise. Mostly. Right?

Far too many of us fail the minute we leave the office.

How is this possible?

The need to get to the gym felt compelling, yet awkward.

It’s been six days since the last gym visit, and an International trip in three days is looming.

Bottom line: doctor’s orders.

Next Blog


Lane 8 Happy New Year

Motivation Is Like A Fire
Motivation Is Like A Fire

Wow, another year come and gone.

It can be so challenging to get healthy, so challenging to stay healthy.

I often wonder if I’ll ever end up a hypocrite, a phony.

Living in Central Florida now for 26 years, it’s this time of year when we actually use our fireplace. And being on vacation the past ten days, we’ve been having a fire nightly. Sometimes we even start the fire in the morning.

And this thought just entered my mind while typing this blog post:

Motivation is like a fire. You must continue adding fuel to it to keep it burning.

Otherwise, it will go out.  A “no brainer” as they say.