Dear Son, Walt Disney Said If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...
Turning the corner and no looking back...
Wow, look at that boy go!
I'm doing it, and it feels GREAT!
Ta-Da!!!! Success.

Dear Son, Walt Disney said, “If you can dream it, you can do it”. As you know, your Dad has studied Walt all his life and worked for Walt for 3/5th’s of it. I have been teaching you everything I know, and as you get older, the lessons will become more profound.

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Eventually This Is Possible

Feeling overwhelmed?  We all are.

There is hope.  It’s free.  But it’s not easy.

You must do the five simple steps from Lane 8’s blog post two days ago, if you intend to transform yourself.

You can (repeat, CAN) become conditioned to work on two or three impossible goals simultaneously.

But not until you’ve had some success doing it one at a time.

Look, you won’t find easy answers here.  You’ll find simple answers, but nothing here is going to be “easy”.

Will I ever make it to Lane 8?  No, but that won’t stop me from trying.  And in the process of never giving up, perhaps I’ll stay healthy for the rest of my life.

And maybe, just maybe, if the best runners in the world have their worst day, and I have the absolute best day of my life, maybe the finals in the worst lane, Lane 8, isn’t impossible after all.

And maybe reaching your impossible goal isn’t impossible either.

Ready to Fight?

Frozen, Hardened
Frozen, Hardened

Are you ready to fight for your life?

Then, and only then, will you start to see the changes you’ve always dreamed of.

May I introduce your opponent?

It’s you.  You are the challenge. You are the problem. You are the opportunity.

It’s time to kick your own butt.  Seriously, it is.

If not you, who?  if not now, when?

Ps.  I’m dead serious about this.

Keep Your Goals Very Small

Start Small and Never Stop
Start Small and Never Stop

What the?  Keep my goals very small?  Didn’t you say to dream big?

Didn’t you say, “If your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough.”


And maybe the challenge for many people, including you, is that your definition of impossible is inaccurate.

When I started running 11 years ago, my impossible goal wasn’t to run in the Master’s Track & Field World Championships.

It also wasn’t to run one mailbox a day for a week, and then two mailboxes a day the second week and so on.

It was to get started and never stop.

One day at a time.  Get started and never quit.  Never quit, one day at a time – this is what I mean by very small goals.

Do you see the difference?