What A Jerk!

The Road You Travel Is Up To You
The Road You Travel Is Up To You

That’s what people think. They think it and say it behind your back.

Showoff.  Ego-maniac.  Self-centered.  What a jerk!

And yet, deep down inside, they wish they had the focus and discipline it takes.

Sad thing is, they do, but they make so many excuses that they convince themselves they don’t.

Where are you?

Thank You Lorie Sheffer

March To Your Own Beat, But Do March
March To Your Own Beat, But Do March

Yesterday, Lorie Sheffer, from Pennsylvania, debuted here at Lane 8 as a Guest Blogger.

Most of you know she’s been appearing at Mid Life Celebration for several weeks, each Sunday, offering her unique wisdom and wit.

Lorie’s post yesterday was a great reminder, wasn’t it?

Health is relative.  It is in our own personal desires, wishes, hopes and comfort level that matter, not what society says is “healthy”.

You may also find Sally’s comment yesterday valuable.  Sally added another layer of perspective.

As you go through your Monday today, think about what health means to you. Who defines it for you?  Society? Or your own common sense?

Lane 8 Behind the Scenes


Hello everyone. Hope you had a healthy week.  It’s challenging isn’t it?

Diet and exercise.  Sounds so simple.

Then why are we an obese society? An unhealthy society? Why?

Can someone help explain why this is so, and even more compelling, why we as a society, just put our heads in the sand and pretend like it doesn’t exist?  Why we pretend like it’ll go away if we ignore it long enough?

It’s a grand wish that our son (9) will get and stay healthy as a lifetime goal. With Inflammatory Bowel Disease, he’s 20 times more likely to develop colon cancer than the average person.

Last time I looked, colon cancer is bad news.

Lane 8 is a metaphor for life.  For trying your best to do important things – like lead a healthy life.

And it started over a decade ago, with me running one mailbox a day for a week.

As my health improved, my desire to maintain it became harder to find.

Celebrex or Celebrate?

Celebrex or Celebrate?

I took my final Celebrex capsule yesterday.

And I also took the day off from training.

Heading out for a five-mile run shortly, before flying to Niagara Falls, New York.

When I think about the journey, with its struggles and trials, I couldn’t even jog ten years ago.  And when I did start jogging two years later, I ran one mailbox per day for a week.

The following week, two mailboxes per day for a week.  Third week?  You guessed it, three mailboxes per day for a week.

Here we are just over a decade later, and I’m still jogging.

And heading to the 2009 Master’s Track and Field World Championships in Finland.

Amazing what can happen when you don’t give. Carpe diem, jeff 🙂