If you think you can create balance or you think you cannot, you are right

False statement about work life balance
If you think you can create balance or you think you cannot, you are right.


If you think you can create balance or you think you cannot, you are right.

And anyone claiming balance is a lie, a myth, well, they have chosen (in my mind falsely) the path of least resistance.

Balance is not easy to achieve, nor easy to maintain.

Living without balance is easy to achieve. Even easier to maintain. But staggeringly strenuous to live with.

Wake up America! How does that sound like an acceptable lifestyle, one we pass on to future generations?

So since it is strenuous either way, I choose the way that yields much more balance, more often. Otherwise it reduces us to living in a world where we have convinced ourselves balance does not exist.

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The overlooked (but obvious) reason we do not enjoy pushing ourselves

Amway Center before an event
What motivation is there to play to an empty stadium?


Without a crystal clear exercise goal right now, a discovery has been made. Pushing yourself – and enjoying it – is very, very challenging.

And the second discovery without a crystal clear wellness goal? How easy it is to make excuses to pass on, or reduce, physical activity.

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