Hoping you have (or will get to) experienced this phenomenon before you die

Corporate College, Cleveland, OH
First to arrive and last to leave makes running a challenge when traveling


Lately, the active (planned) rest days have felt wonderful. No guilt, extra time, and a feeling that less is more.

And to have two active rest days in a row doubles the joy.

Hoping you are experiencing this phenomenon before you die.

(ok, the next click – the link below – gets you to the horrific Saddam Hussain post told by my cab driver)

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Having a healthy body weight doesn’t guarantee wellness any more than…

Sand Hill Crane stretching leg
Being flexible is good, especially in nature


The challenge with wellness is that the external signs are nearly impossible to hide. This adds even more stress to an already stressful situation, no?

Having a healthy body weight doesn’t guarantee wellness any more than a healthy bank account can guarantee happiness.

Money can’t buy us love, but it sure takes care of a lot of ills.

Reasonable BMI can’t guarantee wellness, but it sure takes care of a lot of ills.

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What if we thought of art like this instead of the traditional ways

A short, entertaining look at the art of being able to run, and the art of striving to do something better than anyone else – human nature, no?



Perhaps we help ourselves when we consider (and embrace) our life as art. And one fifth of our art revolves around our physical wellness, our body: one of life’s five big choices (along with mind, spirit, work, home).

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