Run Blog Run

Run Blog Run is an interesting blog I found while reading Fast Forward on the plane to Niagara Falls yesterday. By the way, I’m here in Niagara Falls, New York.

Fast Forward is a free magazine as part of a USATF membership.

Was it coincidence that the first article on Run Blog Run featured Jeremy Wariner?   Jeremy has dominated the 400 meters for some time:

  • 3 Olympic Gold Medals
  • 4 World Championship Gold medals
  • 5th Fastest 400m Time Ever

In the 2008 Beijing Olympics, LaShawn Merritt, age 22, defeated Jeremy, and established himself as the Olympic 400m gold medalist.

What does any of this mean?

It just means that everybody has something they love to do.  Jeremy, LaShawn and I love to run 400m.

I also happen to love helping others go for their dreams.  That’s what Lane 8 is all about.

Dream Big.  Get There.  Stay There.  Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

Celebrex or Celebrate?

Celebrex or Celebrate?

I took my final Celebrex capsule yesterday.

And I also took the day off from training.

Heading out for a five-mile run shortly, before flying to Niagara Falls, New York.

When I think about the journey, with its struggles and trials, I couldn’t even jog ten years ago.  And when I did start jogging two years later, I ran one mailbox per day for a week.

The following week, two mailboxes per day for a week.  Third week?  You guessed it, three mailboxes per day for a week.

Here we are just over a decade later, and I’m still jogging.

And heading to the 2009 Master’s Track and Field World Championships in Finland.

Amazing what can happen when you don’t give. Carpe diem, jeff 🙂

Greatest Track Coach of All Time?

Who’s the best Track & Field coach of all time?

Who’s the best cross-country coach of all time?

It may very well be the same person.

I do not claim to be an expert in these things, however, after reading about this coach, it sure presents a great case that this is the person.

Click here to read Greatest Track & Field Coach of all time .

The statistics are staggering.

I had never even heard of this person.  A quiet and humble dynasty.  Wow!

Makes you realize that one person can really make a difference in the lives of many.  Capre diem,  jeff noel  🙂

Pain, Pain Go Away

Rain, rain, go away, come again another day…..

Remember that song?   I changed the lyrics slightly, substituting pain for rain.

Still can’t shake the left heel pain.  Need to return to Dr Curtis Wagner next week.

This is an enormous concern.   Because, if the pain limits my ability to sprint, then the journey to Finland may be pointless.

Or maybe not.

In my five mile runs, I’m running mile intervals significantly faster than two months ago.  That’s the good news.

Tempered with the reality of almost daily pain.

As I wrote earlier this week, I will keep on going.  After a decade (or maybe a lifetime), I can’t quit now.

What would you do?

Thank you for following Lane 8 and carpe diem, jeff 🙂

World Class?

What does it take to be world class?

Why even strive to be world class?   Isn’t that a bit egotistical?  

And even if we could agree it’s not, couldn’t we agree it’s way too much work for the average person?

The big decision remaining for me is when do I buy the plane ticket to Helsinki, Finland?

It’s a significant investment.   “For what“?, I quietly ask myself.

The answer that surfaces most of the time?  

You only get one shot at life.  Even if you have to walk around the track, you should do it.   Remember, Jeff, there are no guarantees in life.   You’ve been on this journey, consciously, for over ten years.  But in fact, it’s been with you all your life.   You are not being selfish.  Do it“!

And so it goes.  Day in and day out.  One day after another.   What to do?

We all face decisions that don’t have an easy answer.

We all have to decide.  And even if we choose to not decide, we’ve actually still made a choice.  Seriously.

My choice?   The answer seems obvious.  Yet at the same time, I’m having “buyers remorse“.

For now, I’m going to put on my running shoes and go for a run, pray for wisdom, and hope for no pain.  Carpe diem, jeff  🙂