The secret is to quit

Peeking at Christmas presents


Peeking at Christmas presents


(photo: Peeking through a barely noticeable opening in a Christmas present – a hole no adult would ever notice. What a three year old believes comes naturally, until society beats it out of him.)

New Year’s resolutions have the power to transform people. Few believe it. But what about the few who do? What did they do, and what are they doing that defies the odds?

The secret is to quit telling ourselves the same bull crap lies we’ve learned to tell ourselves through repetition and observation.

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New Year, 2013, new goal

fire in the fireplace
A fire in the fireplace the last day of Summer (09.21.12)

Every year it’s the same old goal. And each year it’s a new goal. One and the same really. And yet different. What the?

Work with me here. This will make sense in a second.

Each year, the goal is to stay healthy – regular exercise, adequate rest, sensible eating.

Every year that this successfully happens, we extend our streak by one more year, thus creating a new goal to keep extending our streak for yet another year (into a new goal). Got it?

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Lane 8 Happy New Year

Motivation Is Like A Fire
Motivation Is Like A Fire

Wow, another year come and gone.

It can be so challenging to get healthy, so challenging to stay healthy.

I often wonder if I’ll ever end up a hypocrite, a phony.

Living in Central Florida now for 26 years, it’s this time of year when we actually use our fireplace. And being on vacation the past ten days, we’ve been having a fire nightly. Sometimes we even start the fire in the morning.

And this thought just entered my mind while typing this blog post:

Motivation is like a fire. You must continue adding fuel to it to keep it burning.

Otherwise, it will go out.  A “no brainer” as they say.

Enough About Tiger Already

The man is human.  Enough about Tiger Woods already.  Can we move on?

Are you ready?

I mean, for the New Year?

Okay, are you ready for December?  It starts tomorrow.

This gives everyone who needs it, 31 more days until the New Year starts.  A new year, a new beginning.

Seriously, if you are not going to focus on your health this coming year, there is only one simple question.

“Why not?”

Sorry if this sounds pushy.  It’s the way I’ve learned to talk to myself. Once I accepted the truth that it ain’t ever gonna be easy, and that I’ll have to talk like this until I die, well, it started to get easier.

PS.  Here’s a surprise. Who doesn’t like surprises? Driving home yesterday from a meeting, my son and I were surprised at the new road-side circus.