Give the gift that keeps on giving

Biking on Sanibel Island
Rode to Island Cow for breakfast yesterday.

A healthy body is a gift to yourself and others.

Why would you deny yourself this incredible gift?

Because it’s too difficult?

i believe – from a lifetime of personal observation – that living with poor health is more difficult than living with vibrant health.

The work is about the same, but the payoff is different by a staggering amount.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

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What does your body say when you ask it if it’s excited?

Windermere 5k
Two days ago we walked in the Windermere 5k as a Family.


Because i took last Friday off from biking, my legs have been resting since last Wednesday morning. Five days rest.

Anxious to saddle up in a few minutes.

With the first and almost imperceptible hint at dawn as i gaze out my office window while typing this, i know today’s workout will not be a burden.

It will be a gift.

Actually, every workout is a gift, but when you are tired and overwhelmed, it’s easy to forget.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.


Enjoy the journey

Track workout
Dream big. Get there. Stay there.


Enjoy the journey.

It’s all you have, really.

All our efforts to get and stay will begin to fade quickly if we stop for 10 days.

By 20 days, we are on a guaranteed path to returning to where we were before we began our promise to stay healthy for a lifetime.

Enjoy the daily grind.

It’s a gift.

A priceless gift.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.


Tell Me Again About Lane 8

What is Lane 8?  I’m sort of confused about Lane 8.

Okay, Lane 8 is about the physical gifts we have been given – our body and all the things that make it work.

How we take care of it is our responsibility.  No one else.  Ours!  We own it.  Or not.

At 50, I’ve found that taking care of this “gift” is increasingly more challenging.  As we age, if we get that privilege, we experience things that no one talks about with any decent wisdom.

Part of my vision at Lane 8 is to help people make common sense, common practice.  And, um, oh yes, one other thing – to help people not only get motivated and reach a great health goal – but to stay there.  That’s the key.  Staying healthy.