She said she doesn’t have a weight scale in her house

Belle and Lumiere at intimate Disney character greeting
What responsibility do we have to be honest with our friends? With ourselves?


She said she doesn’t have a weight scale in her house. A moment before she said someone had made her day by asking if she was losing weight. She said she has been trying for so long (years?), and was thrilled someone had noticed.

She also said when she goes to the doctor she closes her eyes when stepping on the scale.

So you weigh yourself like once or twice a year?

How can we improve what we do not measure?

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What’s holding us back from doing this one simple thing (twice) every morning?

This is a fear even greater than the fear of death


What’s holding us back from doing this one simple thing (twice) every morning? I weigh myself twice every morning. The second time is to confirm the first number. If they match, I’m done. If they do not, I weigh a third time.

Why? Because it teaches us (me) what each pound feels like. Over time the practice, repetition, and the focus teaches nuance and self-awareness.

I can feel a two-pound difference in either direction. Insane? No.

If you have ever experienced this level of daily awareness, you know it’s absolutely not insane.

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Note: Currently 10 pounds over fighting weight. Have been for a year.


You Do Know That jeff noel Struggles With Food Temptations Like Every Other Person

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Sometimes jeff noel thinks Mid Life Celebration readers think he has uncompromising self-discipline. Hardly. We all have the same basic gifts: a brain, a body, a spirit, bills, and stuff.

jeff noel proposes that we think, we move, we feel, we earn, we organize. How we do it doesn’t matter. What matters is are we effective? If we aren’t, we have two choices – change or don’t change.

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Of Course, jeff noel Didn’t Tell Us What To Do Or How To Do It

Dream big. Get there. Stay there. (your good health)

Hold on, jeff noel did tell you what to do. In fact, noel suggested several life changing diet tips:

  • Embrace that the long way is the short cut
  • Understand the food pyramid basics
  • Make every food choice a conscious one
  • Execution trumps knowledge
  • Focus and discipline are non-negotiables

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