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Disney Employee Engagement Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five different sites.
The first sub-six minute mile of the year. A 5:58.
First 800 meters in 3:07, second 800 in 2:51.
Getting reacquainted with speed.
Speed feels like freedom.
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She’s 92. She needs heart ablation surgery to repair her heart.
The surgeon, scheduled for two months from now, has an opening in three days.
Her husband is 89 and cannot walk. He relies on 24-hour nursing care.
They live in the same Senior Facility but in two separate wings, based on their health.
Cheryl will be in Allentown for 10 days to assist her Mom before and after surgery.
We are leaving in a few minutes for the hour drive to the airport. Then an hour drive home.
Hoping to begin an hour-long run by 7am so i can take our 8th-grader to school at 8am.
Running is important, in spite of the time pressures, because it mitigates many unhealthy side effects (from inactivity) that crop up over the decades.
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Tweet (photo, bottom) announcing a BFO – blinding flash of the obvious. Heat and humidity suck the life out of running.
Hate running? The time of day may be the reason.
That, and all the other bull crap reasons we tell ourselves.
But seriously, hot and sweaty is very different from cool and sweaty.
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What score would we get if our commitment to physical wellbeing could be measured?
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