Mid Life Celebration’s Five Different Blogs On Life’s Big Choices Each Contain Nearly 1,000 Posts

"Squirrel", trivial reference from Disney Pixar "UP"

Boomers, Mid Life Celebration’s five differently-themed blogs contain nearly 1,000 posts each. This is a bit hard to comprehend. No worries though. Boomers aren’t used to having a free Internet resource that looks at work life balance is such a compellingly different, and profoundly simple light.

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The Blog Whisperer, And Work Life Balance Expert jeff noel, On Repetition’s Value

jeff noel has a real (lifetime) career that doesn't involve blogging

A few Mid Life Celebration readers have been here since the beginning 31 months ago when jeff noel, The Blog Whisperer, began writing five daily, differently themed blogs. More joined near the middle, but missed the beginning. Still others are arriving who missed the beginning and the middle. jeff noel just wanted to thank you for being here. And remind you there are categories and archives to explore – nearly 1,000 posts (just on Lane 8).

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Of Course, jeff noel Didn’t Tell Us What To Do Or How To Do It

Dream big. Get there. Stay there. (your good health)

Hold on, jeff noel did tell you what to do. In fact, noel suggested several life changing diet tips:

  • Embrace that the long way is the short cut
  • Understand the food pyramid basics
  • Make every food choice a conscious one
  • Execution trumps knowledge
  • Focus and discipline are non-negotiables

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