Without a compelling goal, how can we get and stay healthy?
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Disney Employee Engagement Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five different sites.
Without a compelling goal, how can we get and stay healthy?
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The goal of running is to see what we are humanly capable of.
And to use our body in a way that goes back to the origin of mankind.
Running is how we escaped danger.
Running is how we caught food.
Modern day running is how we found joy on the playground.
Yesterday’s track workout:
Felt some mild shine pain during 400’s and decided to slow the pace and increase the distance, hence the 800’s.
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Funny what a goal does to encourage desired behavior.
Seven straight nights of eight hours of sleep.
Yeah, seriously focused on this.
Reprioritizing things to make it happen.
And so it goes.
We know this.
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What stokes our fire to carry on in spite of the constant cries that it’s too difficult to stay motivated and too mundane to have fun with exercise?
A compelling (and hopefully fun) goal.
So yeah, let’s try another comeback.
Last year’s comeback was stalled by double hernia (hernia occurred June 7) repair surgury in July.
Two days ago moved up to a new age group… M55-59.
Being the youngest is a competitive advantage.
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What is required of us in order to stay at it for our entire lifetime?
Maybe the real goal of staying active actually lies dormant under all the stereotypically superficial stuff.
Maybe the impossible goal is to show others (as the example) that it can be done.
A lifetime of wellness, led with regular exercise, sensible eating, and adequate rest.
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