All Beginners Think They’ll Be Great Way Sooner Than It Will Actually Happen, If At All

Oh, and after Nationals, the Olympics, right?

jeff noel remembers the first Masters Track meet he ran in 2005. Immediately after that 400 meter run in 62.5 seconds, noel was (immaturely) ready to start thinking about the National Championships.

Noel even thought he could go to a big-name running shoe company and work out an endorsement deal. The wise meet organizer just smiled at his comments; he had heard and seen them all before. Many times.

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The More jeff noel Learns, The Easier His Life Gets

What a nice, polite sign for a life-destroying habit

The glorious and frustrating thing about life is the paradox in every situation. We know smoking is bad, but we feel so good when we do it. We know if we quit smoking, our health will improve and we’ll save money. We know if we keep smoking, we’ll enjoy the nicotine buzz, plus we’ll have no need to change, making us happier.

Feeling good is good. Feeling guilty is not. Ultimately, the long way is the short cut. Life gets easier without smoking induced illnesses. It’s a different type of buzz.

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Associate With Excellence And Aspire To Lofty Places

Birds of a feather flock together. Associate with best in class.

Read carefully under Pre’s name, “America’s Most Famous Distance Runner”

Setting the bar too low and reaching it is worse than setting it too high and failing.

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Let’s Say You Focus On Exercise & Diet, But Neglect Your Mental Attitude

A world-class structure…

A balanced approach for visitors to this establishment…

But take away restrooms, or water, or trash cans, then what do you have? A beautiful facility that quickly becomes a hassle.

Ok, the phone thing. Really? Why we still have pay phones boggles the mind. Probably a contract not worth trying to get out of.

But you get the picture. Excellence is a combination, not a specialty.

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Run Among The Lakes

Blog advisors tell bloggers not to talk about themselves. They say you should write about what interests the reader. So, I’ll meet them half way.

Readers want to see someone practicing what they preach. We want to listen to someone who’s been down, and continues to go down, the same path as us.

Rather than jump into the 1st 5k that came along, I picked one with significant meaning, The 10th Annual Windermere Run Among The Lakes 5k on April 2nd.

Tomorrow, why you should give just a little more thought before acting.

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