Rise Like Bread Everyone. It’s The Yeast You Can Do.

jeff noel Was A Disney Jungle Cruise Skipper in 1982

Rise like bread everyone. It’s the yeast you can do. Come on now, no loafing. Sorry if the jokes are stale and crumby. I’ve enjoyed having you today, hope you’ve enjoyed being had. Just kidding. Of all the groups I’ve ever had on tour, I can say, without a doubt…you guys…have been…the most…recent!

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Ben Does Life & Lost 120 Pounds & His Sadness

You can observe a lot by watching. That’s how I found Ben’s video.

You can do a lot by doing. That’s how Ben lost 120 pounds and his sadness.

As I sit in this Detroit Hotel, writing, I hope you will embrace these words:

If you’re goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough.

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Running Is Going Well

An Olympic Shot Putter. He won Gold – the only one in his age-group, 100-104.

Have adapted a new approach for world class Masters Athletics Track & Field competition. In the past jeff noel over-trained. Didn’t know. Learned the hard way. And it took years to finally wake up. Stupid boy (yep, Keith Urban reference).

So this year, a radically different approach. It’s exciting! Been doing it since late last year. It’s paying off. Refreshing, invigorating and it is, of course, a gamble.

How do you stay excited?

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It’s Everything

Had a childhood dream to be an Olympic athlete. Finally came true at 50, in Finland.

Every person is telling a story. We judge ourselves on what we plan to do. Others judge us on what we’ve already done.

jeff noel has been telling a personal wellness and personal responsibility story for two solid years. Lane 8 is only one of the five (I know many of you are tired of hearing this – sorry) differently-themed blogs I write.

And this blog may stop in a few more days. Not for good, but for a while. Just didn’t want you to be caught off guard, in case you don’t follow the other 4 blogs.

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