What Motivates You?

A New Day Is Dawning
A New Day Is Dawning

Motivation is fascinating, don’t you think?  It’s like a fire, isn’t it? We must continue to add fuel to a fire to keep it burning.

It seems that we have a daily (if not hourly) choice to stay focused on what keeps our fire alive.

Are there more than three version of this?

  1. Let the fire go out
  2. Add just enough to keep the fire from going out
  3. Keep the fire raging

Just To Be Clear(er)

We Aren't Intending To Be Jerks
We Aren't Intending To Be Jerks

I am not a medical doctor.  And do not possess any scientific answers you may be seeking.

You know this.  Everyone knows this.  But I do know one thing.  We all get one life.  It will be difficult.  And if we are decently lucky, it will also be fairly long.

Do you treat your body like a temple or a tent?

Bariatric Surgery

O Is For Obesity
O Is For Obesity

He did a cost benefits analysis to prove it would be cheaper to pay for his bariatric surgery than to let him continue on his path.

He lost 175 pounds, gained 25 back and has been holding steady for many years now. After they stapled his stomach, it went from the size of a football to the size of an egg.

We recently spent three days together and he assured me multiple times, he has no curtains on his johari window. And he also said he was addicted to food, after sharing that I had overcome an addiction.

What I couldn’t get out of my mind was the image of him carrying me piggyback. And not just across a small stream so my feet didn’t get wet, but carrying that 150 extra pounds every minute of every day.

Even when he was sleeping, or trying to, it would be like me lying on top of him – all 150 pounds.

He saved his own life.  He inspired me.  I count myself lucky to know the man.

We all have hard decisions to make. He did whatever it took.

What’s Easier?

Stadium Steps At Indiana University, May 13
Stadium Steps At Indiana University, May 13

Life is pretty simple.  We all know this to be true, however, we most likely forget.

We really have only two choices when it comes to our health. Focus on it or don’t focus on it.

Which leads us to one more simple truth, and again, there are only two choices here.

Give up trying because it’s too difficult, or never give up trying.

I’ll bet you struggle with this as much as I do. That’s one of the main reason’s Lane 8 exists in the first place – to nourish the people who have chosen the later.

Track Is Popular Again

Field Events Are Way Under-Rated
Field Events Are Way Under-Rated

Track and Field.  Not on most people’s list of sports to follow, except every four years during the Summer Olympics.

Well, after a decade of doping scandals, Track & Field’s popularity is on the rise. This Washington Post article explains why.

And as I leave Indiana University this morning, the NCAA Big Ten Track & Field Conference Championships begin.

Motivation is like a fire. Find a million ways to keep adding fuel to your fire, otherwise we all know what will happen to your fire.