You know what? I assumed everyone got this, until a recent revelation. So here’s my definition of an impossible goal. An impossible goal isn’t something no one has ever done before.
An impossible goal is something you’ve never done before.
Big difference. Maybe you’ve never walked a 5k before. Maybe that’s your impossible goal.
You should plan to fail. It’s in your nature to fail.
Think about learning to walk as a toddler. You constantly failed. Over, and over, and over.
So what? Did it stop you?
You were determined – nothing would stop you from learning to walk. You had to learn, if you wanted to be like the others around you – everywhere you looked, people were walking.
So what? So what is stopping you from applying that same desire and determination to get and stay healthy?
Everywhere you look people are getting and staying in ill health – a ticking time bomb so to speak.
The best health care reform our country can implement starts with you.
Quit complaining about our Government not doing this or not doing that.
Go look in the mirror and hold yourself to the same level of expectation.