I could try and explain it to you, but you already know what I’m talking about, don’t you? If you are confused, this 30-second You Tube video should clear it up:
There, that’s the point of this Lane 8 message today. We succeed in proportion to our willingness to fail.
Fearing failure is a sure fire way to have success elude you. Who wants that?
Last weekend, I met with a great friend I’ve known for over a decade. He’s really smart and asks the best questions. Plus, he’s a great listener.
Long story short: While I was sharing the story on my 1982 cross-country bicycle trip, he came to a realization, and so did I.
When I said cross-country, the original intent was from one coast to the other. But for a variety of good reasons, it didn’t happen the way it was envisioned.
And for a moment, it started to feel like maybe I was misrepresenting the truth, and I questioned myself.
In summary, Derrick Redmond, an Olympic 400 meter runner, may tell people he ran in the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, but that may not be the “truth”. You owe it to yourself to watch this, and then ask and answer the question that follows: