Lane 8 Succeeds Due to Failure

Lane 8 is successful because Lane 8 is a failure.

Huh?  Exactly.

I could try and explain it to you, but you already know what I’m talking about, don’t you?  If you are confused, this 30-second You Tube video should clear it up:

There, that’s the point of this Lane 8 message today. We succeed in proportion to our willingness to fail.

Fearing failure is a sure fire way to have success elude you.  Who wants that?

Why Exercise?

Age old question isn’t it? Why exercise?

What’s your answer?

There will never be a better time than right now to do it. I realize many reading this will disagree that there’s a better day than today.

If so, may I ask this, “Then if it’s not today, when?”

How many more days, weeks, months, years can your answer be, “Not today?”

Have a great day. “Here’s to your health, your goals, your dreams, and, to today!”

Suomi Sisu

Three more questions:

  1. Do you have guts?
  2. Do you have determination?
  3. Are you the type that doesn’t give up?

If this is you, then you have sisu (pronounced “C-sue”).  It’s Suomi (Finnish) for guts, determination and not quitting.

While in Lahti, Finland, representing the United States at this year’s WMA Masters Track and Field World Championships, I met a Finnish couple and overheard them say, “She’s got sisu (C-sue)!”

They were talking about one of the women who was competing in the W80-84 1,500 meters.  Can you comprehend that?  Early 80’s, running in the Masters World Championships?

I agree, she had sisu.

Makes me wonder what I’ll have when I get older.

Enough About Tiger Already

The man is human.  Enough about Tiger Woods already.  Can we move on?

Are you ready?

I mean, for the New Year?

Okay, are you ready for December?  It starts tomorrow.

This gives everyone who needs it, 31 more days until the New Year starts.  A new year, a new beginning.

Seriously, if you are not going to focus on your health this coming year, there is only one simple question.

“Why not?”

Sorry if this sounds pushy.  It’s the way I’ve learned to talk to myself. Once I accepted the truth that it ain’t ever gonna be easy, and that I’ll have to talk like this until I die, well, it started to get easier.

PS.  Here’s a surprise. Who doesn’t like surprises? Driving home yesterday from a meeting, my son and I were surprised at the new road-side circus.

Exercise Change Leadership?

Change leadership.  Personal leadership.  Great Leaders use these buzzwords.  And why not?  They sound inspiring and focused.

All with a simple purpose – to make things better. And it’s harder than ever to make things better.

So, how can we make things better?

What if we restated the beginning phrases:

  1. Transformational change
  2. Transformational leadership

And it all starts with the person in the mirror.  And next it starts with a commitment to get healthy and stay healthy.

Ya in?