To Magic Kingdom and back again

Disney Executive Keynote Speaker
Yesterday, February 16, 2015.


Running to Disney’s Magic Kingdom and back again yesterday feels like a guilty pleasure. It’s easy to forget that it took seven years and a miracle to find and purchase an empty lot close by in 1990.

It was insanely gutsy to pack and ship everything we owned (48 boxes but no furniture) and drive from Washington State to Orlando in 1984.  Gutsy because we believed we could carve out a lifetime at Disney.

Crazy to leave Disney in 2014, at only 55, after 30 incredible years as a Disney Leader.

But it was just another invisible monumental milestone in a series of steps on the path to a life without regret.

We all have a private, inspiring backstory.

Tell it to yourself like a broken record.

Your little victories, like a morning jog, become so much sweeter.

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Doing things faster and better is not the solution

Assorted dice
Yesterday at the weekly YuGiOh tournament.


YuGiOh tournament rankings for Central Florida
Yesterday’s tournament standings.


Be first in your category or be the category. Boldness does have genius.

What does this mean for wellness? It means you’re in charge. It’s your responsibility to find creative solutions to impossible obstacles.

No guts, no glory.

It may mean taking a demotion at work. It may mean eliminating certain pleasurable habits that (only temporarily) relieve stress. It certainly means that change is the only solution.

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Who dat?

Disney's Animal Kingdom rides
Yesterday, Valentine’s Day, spent at Disney’s Animal Kingdom Park.


Does this sound like you or like someone (more special than you) else?

Impatient because exercise and diet doesn’t pay off fast enough.

Yet absolutely patient enough to become progressively less active.

Patient enough to become less healthy.

Even convincingly patient enough to become less vibrant.

What the heck.

You have the rest of your life.


Do something great.

You absolutely deserve better than you are currently allowing in your life.

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Friday the 13th is now the luckiest day of the whole year

Map My Run screen shot
Yesterday’s Friday the 13th “faster pace” run.


What if someone was bold enough to proclaim that Friday the 13th is no longer bad luck? In fact, they’d even go as far as saying Friday the 13th is the luckiest day of the whole year.

Wanted to run much farther than five miles yesterday (Friday, February 13, 2015).

A busy morning schedule made compromise the only option. Five miles no longer feels like a serious run – too short, but at least it was a five-miler that felt valuable.

(Photo above: After 1st warmup mile, the next four miles are 8min/mile or quicker, without too much effort.)

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Prior to retirement, five miles was always considered an amazing run.