Your art may never overcome it’s fear

Montessori classroom near Walt Disney World
Montessori middle school classroom near Walt Disney World, and Posha the Cat.


Your art may never overcome it’s fear.

Needed a destination for a bike ride because riding in a circle wasn’t motivating. Aha. Ride to the coolest middle school classroom you know of to be there during lunch – the student’s free time. Then ride home.

It was a nice way to “cross-train” on a spectacular January day near Walt Disney World.

It was also a nice opportunity to remind the teacher what a remarkable artist she is, and how her art inspires not only the students, but also all who come in contact.

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Know who you are, what turns you on

Artists who challenge the status quo.

We love inspiration. Underdogs. Courage. Rebels. Olympics.

This scene, a personal favorite, is 90 seconds. Steve Prefontaine is the only athlete, any sport, that Nike has immortalized in bronze. Donald Sutherland plays Pre’s coach. Pre’s coach was the co-founder of Nike, as well as the USA Track & Field Head Coach at the 1972 Munich Olympics.



Know who you are, what turns you on, and push your limits. Anything else is just chicken-sh!t.

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Does exercise have seasons?

Ashton Eaton
Aston Eaton, Olympic Decathlon Champion.


Does exercise have seasons?

If you stay with exercise long enough, you realize it has seasons.

The seasons have varying lengths and intensity and there is no advance notice when a new one arrives.

It just happens. How long it will last is unknown.

Let’s just say, Spring has arrived.

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