Pioneering Healthier Communities @ Lane 8

Pioneering healthier communities @ Lane 8?   Started ten years ago.

Couple Lane 8 updates:

  1. Thanks for your support @
  2. Nine days until Finland
  3. Taking two days of complete rest
  4. Still apprehensive about the whole thing
  5. Am feeling healthy
  6. Posted a You Tube video about Pioneering Healthier Communities

I love that this pioneering is happening.  Very important work to help people get and stay healthier.

But seriously, I had to question, in a weird sort of way, the use of the word pioneering.

Who am I to talk, eh? My pioneering only started ten years ago.

You know what, I do believe in better late than never.   Carpe diem, jeff noel   🙂

Lane 8 Credentials, Two Lists

Lane 8 FAQ’s:  What is it?  Why are you doing it?  How do you get to go?

Here are two lists of my “credentials”:

  1. Consistently run faster than the USATF All-American Standard of Excellence
  2. Compete at the State & National levels (and do really well)
  3. Figure out how to pay for expenses, time & money, to go to Finland
  4. Have enough guts to do the impossible
  5. Run as fast as USATF establishes as the age group world-class equivalent
  6. Indomitable will
  7. God’s Grace

That is the short list, of the big requirements.  There are other, lesser criteria, but I’ll spare you the details.  But, if you really want to know:

  1. Out work ’em
  2. Run hard
  3. Run far
  4. Stretch
  5. Strength train
  6. Core train
  7. Stay healthy
  8. Repair injuries
  9. Nutrition
  10. Rest
  11. Continuous Improvement
  12. Inspiration
  13. Balance
  14. Family Involvement
  15. Commitment
  16. Tenacity
  17. Perseverance
  18. Pray

There.  Any questions?  Carpe diem, jeff noel, out in Lane 8  🙂

Lane 8 You Tube Video

Lane 8 You Tube video.  A quick video demonstrating progress on strengthening my core.

Ya know, until I got tired of pulling hamstrings, and the physical therapist at Florida Hospital – Celebration Health told me, “You have to strengthen your core or you’ll continue to get hurt”, I had no idea what my core was.

All those years, never worked on my core, other than a few sit ups here and there.

This is much tougher than I’m making it look. I remember when I first started doing this particular exercise, I could bearly hold my legs up for one second.

Tiger Woods’ advice to me, “Out work ’em”, is just like yesterday’s post – common sense, but not common practice.

If my goal is to help others be inspired, I better be able to inspire myself, eh?

Remember my hope yesterday, to list the Lane 8 credentials.  Me too.

That Lane 8 post is written and will post tomorrow.  May I challenge you to Dream Big, Get There, Stay There?  Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

Lane 8 Credentials

Lane 8 credentials.  Yesterday, my friend Chuck came by our house to pick up his son, who spent the night – a “sleep-over”.

Chuck is an amazing man.  Have known Chuck for seven years, since our boys first attended the same child-care facility.  Our kids are like cousins.  Seriously.  They’ve grown up together, even though they now attend different schools.

What amazes me about Chuck is his technical competency. He spends hours each day, exploring what’s out there and figuring out the best way to use the Internet to run his Insurance business.

We can talk for hours about “stuff”.

He asked me yesterday what I did to qualify for the World Championships.

I’ll post that story tomorrow, I hope.

What I will close with this morning is that he inspired me to take a look at my Google Analytics. My website hits are doing exceptionally well.  He asked me, “Do you know why”? I replied, “I use common sense”.

This wasn’t a good answer, but I defended it saying it’s the same with what I’ve accomplished at Lane 8.

These days, common sense isn’t common practice.  But what if it was?

What could you accomplish if you executed common sense everyday, so that you also had “common practice”?

Years ago, I promised myself, I wouldn’t sell myself short.  Ever make a promise like that to yourself?

It’s common sense.  But is it common practice?  Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

Lane 8 Update

Lane 8 update, Sunday morning.

I’m humbled by my own perseverance.

The hamstring strain from the Writer’s Retreat ten days ago, is still nagging me, and stifling the training intensity.

In a perfect world, where I’m at now, speed wise, is where I thought I’d be six months ago.

Perhaps this is a blessing for a reason I can’t comprehend.  I’m sure it is.  However, it currently feels like a big embarrassment.

What I’m the most grateful for though, is the gift of decision making.  I had to commit to Finland, or let it go.  When I committed back in May, I took a huge risk.

But the risk to not commit, would have been greater, I believe.  Regret is a dangerous thing, especially at mid-life.

My Family understands this.  It’s a great lesson our son is learning – about life, risk, regrets, goals, purpose, planning, balance, Family, etc.

While the trip is expensive in time and money, what we are learning as a Family – priceless.

“If your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough”. Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂