Why All These Questions?

Why do you exercise?

Why don’t you exercise?

Why do you eat such a healthy diet?

Why do you eat such junk food?

How long will you be able to maintain this routine?

When are you going to start?

What motivates you?

What are you afraid of?

Why?  When?  Where? Who?  How?

If you can’t answer these for yourself, then who else do you think is going to answer them?  No one?

No one! (exclamation mark)

One last question.

“Doesn’t this scare the heck out of you?”

Health Focus Areas Top 3

Focus our health on top three areas:

  1. Cardiovascular
  2. Strength
  3. Flexibility

The last one, flexibility, is the one most often overlooked.

Click here to explore why, and to discover simple tips to overcome this.

Sounds simple, but it will be one of the toughest, and longest, journeys of your life.

And one I wouldn’t trade for anything.  We reap what we sow. Make it a great day.  It’s up to each of us.

Daily Wellness Tips

For daily wellness tips from Everyday Health, click here. Once on the Calendar page, if you click on any date, a short, daily wellness tip will pop up for you.

Meanwhile, here are my favorite daily wellness tips:

  1. Think Big Picture – long term
  2. Be flexible with your schedule/routine
  3. Be creative with your schedule/routine
  4. Work through the mental tough spots
  5. Find a million ways to stay motivated

There are others, but these are the critical success factors that work for me. My way is not the only way. And this list is intended to share the common sense building blocks for a wide variety of approaches.

The best way, is the way that works for you.  And, generally speaking, the best way for you is the one that you never abandon.  Good luck and here’s to your health!

Enough About Tiger Already

The man is human.  Enough about Tiger Woods already.  Can we move on?

Are you ready?

I mean, for the New Year?

Okay, are you ready for December?  It starts tomorrow.

This gives everyone who needs it, 31 more days until the New Year starts.  A new year, a new beginning.

Seriously, if you are not going to focus on your health this coming year, there is only one simple question.

“Why not?”

Sorry if this sounds pushy.  It’s the way I’ve learned to talk to myself. Once I accepted the truth that it ain’t ever gonna be easy, and that I’ll have to talk like this until I die, well, it started to get easier.

PS.  Here’s a surprise. Who doesn’t like surprises? Driving home yesterday from a meeting, my son and I were surprised at the new road-side circus.

Tiger Woods Told Me

Hey, just know upfront that this post is waaaaaaay longer than I like to write.  So, since it’s rare, would you please consider indulging yourself?

May, 2008.  Nearly 18 months ago, just before Tiger Woods went to California to win the US Open and in the process, injure his knee, I had three brief opportunities to speak with Tiger.

First I asked Tiger Woods, “What one piece of advice would you give to anyone who wanted to be world-class?”  Tiger said, “Out work ’em!”

As he was getting up to walk away I asked, “Do you ever get tired of being famous?”  Like I stated in yesterday’s post, Tiger said, “Since day one.”

As luck would have it, Tiger and I crossed paths a second time, “Tiger, if you had it to do all over again, would you go the famous route?”  Tiger said matter-of factly, “It’s not about being famous, it’s about winning!”

I thanked Tiger for his time and wished him luck and success on his rehab and upcoming US Open.

At the end of each Gold’s Gym workout, I finish up in a small, carpeted room (maybe 16′ x 16′) to work on some core exercises.  The last of these core exercises is called a plank.  Similar to doing a pushup, face down, but you’re on your elbows and you simply hold a stiff position for one minute.

When I look up to leave and pick up my son in the Kiddie Gym, who is lying next to me but Tiger Woods. I mean, what are the odds?

I promised myself I wouldn’t “bother” him anymore.  And besides, I had less than a minute to make it to the Kiddie Gym before it closed.  No time to talk, even if I wanted to.

With my son (7) on my back (he couldn’t walk this day), and sweat pouring down my face, we head to the Gym exit.

But wait.

A voice inside my head, “You will regret this for the rest of your life if you don’t do it.  You’ve been coming here for two years and you’ve never seen Tiger Woods, and you may never see him again.”

“Do it, or you’ll regret it for the rest of your life”, I whisper forcefully to myself.

We reverse direction, and find Tiger.  At this point I’ve convinced myself that I don’t care what he thinks, all I care about is not living with regret.

“Tiger, I’m not afraid of no.  I have big dreams about things I want to accomplish.  I’d love to have 30 minutes of your time.  We could meet for coffee somewhere.”

“Give me your number”, he said politely.

While Tiger has never called me, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that I am not living with regret.

I hope Tiger can say the same thing.